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Dressing For Your Color Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Do you ever feel washed out wearing your favorite sweater? Maybe you don’t look as lively as you’d like in pictures? I found out only recently that some of the staple items in my closet and makeup bag were doing me a disservice. Dressing for your color season/incorporating more color into your wardrobe can feel intimidating, but I’ve discovered some tricks to help you get started! Hopefully, this article will inspire you to fill your life with colors that make you pop!

I have been told my entire life that black is timeless, classic, and looks good on everyone. I’m sure most people have heard that before at some point. 2 months ago I stumbled upon a video where the creator was talking about why some celebrities look so different from one red carpet to the next, being praised one week, and torn apart the next on the “hot or not” list. Since then, I’ve been studying the science of color theory (to the best of my ability), figuring out what season I am, trying to figure out my sub-season and finding clothes that compliment my undertones.

The best way to start is to figure out your undertones. There are three general skin undertones: warm, cool and neutral.

You are a warm if: (Warm tones are usually autumns or springs!)

  • Your skin tone has a golden undertone.
  • You look better in gold jewelry.
  • The veins in your wrist are green.

You are a cool if: (Cool tones are usually summers or winters!)

  • Your skin tone has a pink-ish undertone.
  • You look better in silver jewelry.
  • The veins in your wrist are blue or purple.

You are a neutral if:

  • You can’t tell what your skin undertone is.
  • You may look good in both silver and gold jewelry.
  • Some people with neutral undertones have seemingly colorless veins.

After you determine your undertone, you have to figure out which season you belong to in your undertone category! The four color seasons are autumn, spring, summer and winter. Each of these color seasons also have sub-seasons, where your best hues of clothing and makeup are determined!

Autumns look great in mustard yellow, eggplant purple and pumpkin orange. They usually: 

  • Have green, brown, or hazel eyes.
  • Have darker, warmer hair (Many auburn redheads fall into this category).
  • Look best in gold jewelry.

Springs look great in light colors, gentle grays, pinks, blues, and light purples. Think periwinkle! They usually:

  • Have light eyes.
  • Have natural red hair, as well as light blondes and medium browns.
  • Look best in gold jewelry.

Winters look great in jewel tones, like ruby red, sapphire blue, and emerald green! They usually:

  • Have eyes that are either dark or light, but are intense and pigment-soaked.
  • Have deep, naturally ashy-toned hair. 
  • Look best in silver jewelry.

Summers look great in soft colors like pastels, as well as rich cranberry and plum colors. They usually:

  • Have pale, light eyes.
  • Have bright, cool-toned hair. 
  • Look best in silver jewelry.

Of course, there are caveats and exceptions to every rule. You really have to look at every factor to choose your season and sub-season. For example, I have blue and purple veins in my wrist, but my hair is red and my eyes are hazel. I fall into the spring category, but only because I’ve considered every aspect of my personal analysis. 

From this point, if you do a Google or Pinterest search of “color analysis” or “hair color season,” you should get a multitude of photos where you can match your hair, skin, and eyes to see which colors compliment you the best! I also appreciate that a lot of those photos list celebrities in that same season, which makes it easier to identify what you might be!

Once you get started, the possibilities are endless. Since I’ve started dressing for my color season, my skin looks brighter, I look more alive in every photo, and people have taken notice! Be brave and put some color in your wardrobe!

aquarius | english education