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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Pending Heartbreak

Vinyl crackles

as we lay down beside a blue record player, under

delicate cotton covers, legs entangled in milky sheets,

sheets and your arms wrap around me

warming me as the autumn temperatures seep,

seep through the walls, bumps prickle my arm

The record player’s needle glides against the grooves pouring,

Pouring out a woman’s voice

Filling my ears as she sings about heartbreak,


I wonder what it will feel like to be let go by you

I wonder what will happen to me when the warmth,

warmth your skin gave me is ripped away

I wonder what it will feel like for your words,

words which built the stairs pulling me towards the light stop,

stop building and I trip into the deep chasm below.

What will happen when my smile,

Smile is marred by the fire that a heartbreak,


Will be with you.

Hi! My name is Katlyn White. I am a sophomore at CWU. I am double majoring in Professional and Creative Writing and Digital Journalism. I am a Cancer and a Ravenclaw.