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8 Tips for an Athlete Dating and an Athlete

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Every relationship has its obstacles and as much as I wish I could tell you that being an athlete dating another athlete is as perfect every post-game Instagram picture you’ve ever seen posted, it’s not. However, it is oh-so worth it. Trying to work around academic and athletic schedules can be a daunting task, so here are some tips to keep you going!

1. Your Dates Will Be Far From Normal

No sugarcoating here, you will hardly ever go on “normal” dates. The thought of getting dressed up for a dinner out after you’ve already had a lift, practice, and a meeting and then have to go home to do homework? Get real. Dates can be shooting some hoops or going to the grocery store together. It’s about the time you spend together, not what you’re doing!

2. You Can’t Always Be Their #1 Fan

This is really hard to accept, but there will be times your S.O. has a game, and you are playing half way across the country and you will have to miss your duties as “biggest fan”. Find a live stream and enlist your BFFs to go scream their name on the sidelines for you, it really is the next best thing.

3. Learn To Appreciate Little Moments

Some days the most time you will spend together is when you happen to run into each other in the training room. Learn to enjoy catching up on your day and just being around each other, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Who says ice baths can’t be romantic?

4. Nights In > Nights Out

Stay in with a cheat meal and a movie or go out and complain about how sore you both? You’ll end up leaving early because you’re too tired from today’s workout. You will only have to do this once before you realize which you prefer.

5. Don’t Take Canceled Plans Personally

Sadly, film, meetings, practice, and weight lifting can be scheduled by their coach at literally any time so those plans you actually made in advance for once may well get cancelled. They’re not doing it on purpose, so save yourself the headache and just reschedule.

6. Be Prepared For Things to Get Competitive, But Not TOO Competitive

Spending all your time working out and competing against your teammates brings out your already competitive side, but try not to let that come too far into your relationship. A friendly game of HORSE or ping pong never hurt anybody, but as soon as it causes actual issues it’s time to stop. Competition is for your sport, not your relationship!

7. Communication Really Is Key

Even though your S.O. may live just down the hall, you may not see each other for 5 days at a time. This just means you have to be able to communicate and encourage each other even more when you can’t see each other at the end of the day. That “have a good practice” text can go a lot longer than you think!

8. Your SO Can Be The Only One Who Really Gets It

Bobby from Geology 101 will never understand why you’re so tired all the time because all he does is come to class and play video games in his dorm room. Your S.O. will be one of the few who gets what it’s really like to be student-athlete, and how much you put into your sport. Find comfort in knowing they understand what you’re going through, because they’re doing it right alongside you.

President at Her Campus CWU Senior, Public Relations Major at Central Washington University!