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Why I Am Taking Some Time Off Post-Grad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Every second semester senior has the gotten the age old question of, “What are your plans for after graduation”? I always dreaded the question because I felt like everyone had amazing plans for postgrad except for me. But I do have to say that I am very proud of my friends for all of their amazing plans that they have lined up for postgrad.

After lots of thinking of what I want to do postgrad, I decided that I am going to take some time off to study for the GRE and then take the exam towards the end of the summer or early fall. During this past school year I had full course work both semesters, comps in the fall, and served on two executive boards in the Spring. With such a busy schedule, it was hard to make time to study for and take the GRE. These were the main reasons why I ended up deciding to take some time off to focus on the exam and apply to grad school for the 2017-2018 school year. During this time off, I also plan to work to help pay for applications fees and grad school. I am really interested in getting my Master’s in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and I know that getting my Master’s will help me further my dream career. Focusing mainly on the exam for the summer can help me stay on track, leaving no other options but for me to do my best.

I know the future is bright for me and I will work my hardest to get where I want to go. Taking this time off will help me focus on what is important to me.
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Jax is a senior Psychology Major with a Minor in Media & Communications studies at The Catholic University of America in the nation's capital. She is originally from New York and holds two citizenships with the United States and Switzerland.