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What Your Appearance Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

At Catholic, girls come from private schools with uniforms/dress codes or public schools with the freedom to wear whatever they want. College is a whole new ballgame, and putting something together yourself can be kind of tricky. Around campus I have observed that most girls dress somewhere between not being so “basic” and not looking like a total bum. Here are some tips on how to find that happy medium through what you choose to wear:

1.     Less is more!

Although there is actually no set of “rules” about what to wear, what you choose to walk around in says a lot about you. Catholic sets a pretty easygoing environment, so just go with the flow! You can still show how trendy you are without wearing those wedges you wore to McFadden’s the other night to your 8 am Calc class! Sticking to something simple goes a lot further than you realize.

2.     But not too much less…

Although those wedges do not seem ideal to walk from Gowan to O’Boyle in, don’t resort to yogas and a sweatshirt as the consistent alternative. We get it…everyone has their lazy days where they just want to be super comfortable. But, unchanging comfort can leave you looking careless. Everyone has an aspect that they can show off…don’t let that go to waste!

3.     Use the season to your advantage

I know most of us would rather be in bikinis lying on the beach, but cold weather is inevitable in DC. Take Fall and Winter and spin them to your advantage. This is the prime time for layering up and using all of those cute accessories you have. Don’t let your collection of scarves and winter headbands go to waste!

4.     Keep it classy, but fun!

Now is the time when you are making decisions that will affect you for the rest of your life. What you wear can be the difference between scoring that competitive internship, or remaining an employee at the Mullen Library for the rest of your college career. Switching a revealing V-neck and jean jacket for a cute blouse and casual blazer will make you look more mature without sucking the fun out of your outfit. Remember, you never know who will end up seeing pictures of you on Facebook or Instagram! Better to be safe than sorry by keeping it classy.

5.     Looking more grown-up doesn’t mean more make-up

College is about growing: physically and mentally. Unfortunately, some girls associate growing up with wearing more makeup, but too much make-up can leave an unwanted impression. Keep yourself looking sophisticated. If your face and neck are two very different colors, or you think a dark smoky eye would be a good idea for an interview, think about what that appearance might say about you. Save the bold eye shadow and lipstick for a night out on the town!