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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

On Sunday, November 23rd, 30-40 of the Hamlin boys closest friends gathered together for a feast unlike any other: Friendsgiving. Everyone brought something to contribute to the dinner (turkeys provided by the boys)…anything from sweet potatoes with roasted Marshmellows on top to mashed potatoes, beer brats, stufffing and any vegtable one can think of was layed out on the table. The meal started with a beautiful toast said by Connor Shultz and grace led by Joe Salzano. The plates were stacked high, a second round meant getting in that long line again but it was all worth it for more delicious, homecooked food all made with love by close friends. There is nothing like finding friends in college that are more like family, I know I am thankful for them everday, however, to round up 30-40 people especially boys for pictures isnt always the easiest so here are two pictures of my fashionable friends and I before the festvities began!