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A Survival Guide For When All Your Friends Study Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

So your friends have decided to spend a semester adventuring around foreign countries, and your FOMO is realer than ever. While they’re off chugging Sangria with hot foreign guys and their new friends, you’re still at school going to the same dive bar seeing the same faces. Worse than all of this is the fact that your squad is separated, and your ride or die is thousands of miles away living in a world five hours behind you. What are you supposed to do when you’re out, trying to decide whether or not to hook up with guy and you can’t call your bff for her advice? Or when you turn 21 and she isn’t there to hold back your hair bring you pizza?

As much as you want to be happy for them getting to have the adventure of a lifetime, it still sucks not having your best friends around.

So here are some ways to make the distance a bit more bearable until you’re all reunited:


1) Join a new student organization.


The busier you are the less time you’ll have to miss your friends.


2) Branch out and experience more things by yourself.

Odds are you’ve been attached to your best friends for the past three years of college. You all live, eat, and party together, so take this chance to go to all the places you’ve wanted to go and do all the things you want to do, that your friends may not be as interested in. Learn how to enjoy being alone without someone always by your side.


3) Set up a scheduled time during the week to call/ Skype.

You don’t want to constantly bother her by talking about gossip back home, let the both of you have your time apart and save up all the weekly stories for one long skype-sesh a week whenever your schedules work out.


4) But also totally make a group text in WhatsApp for all the funny stuff.

Those random memes you all found hysterical freshman year that you still have on your computer? Embarrassing pictures from ~that one~ night out? There’s no need for the crazy group chat to end. 


5) Send a care package

It doesn’t have to be filled with anything fancy (especially since you’ll be paying enough for the shipping) but even some pictures, a letter and some of your favorite food can mean so much and make their day, because they most likely are missing you just as much as you’re missing them :)



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