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Patrick Daisy: Jake Gyllenhaal look alike

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Name: Patrick Daisy 

Age: 20

Hometown: Mansfield, MA

Major: Civil Engineering 

Graduation Year: 2017 

Relationship Status: Single 

Height: 6’5”

If you were an alcoholic beverage what would you be? Sam Adams Summer Ale

Most embarrassing moment at CUA? Falling into the women’s bathroom at Cornerstone

Biggest turn on off? Bad breath

Biggest turn on? A girl who can compete with my height…wears heels 

Best pick up line? “Hey, do you have a few minutes for me to hit on you?”

Biggest pet peeve? When people get out of the elevator before you

2 words to describe yourself? Easy going

Favorite TV show? Bloodline, a Netflix original, look it up!

Celebrity crush? Blake Lively 

Favorite song to sing to in the shower? Count Me In -Rebelution 

Guilty pleasure? Name the romcom, I’ve probably seen it

Who do people often say you look alike? Jake Gyllenhaal (again ladies, he’s single)