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Life Lessons from a Little Prince

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Growing up I was always bouncing off the walls with energy and when my mom needed a moment of silence she would tell me to pick up a book. I could not be bothered with sitting in silence and reading, it seemed like torture to me. Who wants to spend their time reading books when they can be out having fun with their friends? The summer before coming to CUA, my mother told me that I was becoming an adult, and even though I knew that was legally true on my 18th birthday, in that moment, it scared the crap out of me. Being an adult meant that there was no more help, no more do-overs, it was all on me to figure everything out for myself and by myself. And coming to a place where no one knew me, made it even scarier. A couple of nights before moving into CUA I picked up a book that I read in my French class a few months before and read the entire thing (and yes, it was all in French). It reminded of a few things that I had seemed to forget that, to me, are extremely important life lessons that regard becoming an adult. 

Lesson #1: Don’t ever lose your imagination.

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the imagination of a child. Everything is colorful and there are endless possibilities to anything. When do we lose this kind of thinking in life? We shouldn’t. In the book, the Little Prince becomes upset because the adults do not see the world as magical as he perceives it to be. Things are always more than they seem, you just have to tap into that imagination, really think and see beyond the face value of things to realize all the magic.

Lesson #2: Be honest with others, and most importantly, yourself.

Honesty is the best policy, it really is. It may be hard sometimes, especially when it’s some harsh reality that we don’t want to face just yet. However, after reading this book, and from personal experience, it is always better to speak your feelings. The Little Prince learns that you can’t read people’s minds. So if there is something you think is bothering someone, ask. If you have something bothering you, speak up; 9 times out of 10 it will do you more good than harm.

Lesson #3: Never drink to forget, it wastes your time and your liquor.

Welcome to adulthood, starting with college, where there is stress upon stress and alcohol. Who wants to deal with friend drama or stupid relationship issues when you have countless bars running happy hour specials? It may seem unpopular to have this opinion, but drinking is never the correct answer when it comes to issues like this. The Little Prince meets a man who drinks away his problems so he doesn’t have to face them; a horrible circle that he cannot escape. When becoming an adult you will have plenty of occasions to drink for; having an issue with someone or something is not one of those occasions. All the excess drinking will do is cause you to end up with an empty wallet, a nasty hangover, and more issues than you started with.

Lesson #4: Remember to laugh often.

Ever remember a time when you were having a good laugh during a job interview, a work presentation, or a term paper? Yeah, me either.  In the story, the Little Prince meets a man who is serious 24/7 and has no time for anything else because he is too busy. With all work and no time for family, friends or fun, the Little Prince finds this man’s life to be so lonely. In order to keep your sanity, you need those three “F”s (friends, family and fun). Take a break from your work to be with people you love and have a laugh. I mean like one of those laughs where you tear up and feel a six-pack coming on. I don’t know about everyone else, but I am not afraid to get laugh lines, it means that I’ve been having a damn good time. So get your good wrinkles and have a laugh.

Lesson #5: Stay curious and take a couple moments to appreciate things.

I know I’m not alone when I say that stepping outside my comfort zone is a little scary. But let me tell you, it is so worth it! Stepping into something out of your norm may be weird, but it gives you perspective you didn’t have before. Take college for example, you started something you were so unfamiliar with, and looking back a couple of years you can see how much you have changed, you have a slightly new outlook on life because of the experience you have had and the people you have met. When the Prince leaves his planet he is nervous about the unknown. Then he meets these different characters on the planets he gets a small look into their world and can see his life situation with new eyes. Give yourself a chance to try something new, I promise you it will give you a valuable perspective.

Lesson #6: Strangers can teach you valuable things.

This has to be the rule that has stuck with me the most. The Prince meets a complete stranger that gives him the most valuable advice. He tells the Prince, “On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” Translation: “One sees clearly with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” This quote has stayed with me the most after reading this book, and let me tell you why. Today society, we are so concerned with what materialistic things we “need” when what really matters are found within our hearts. The people we love, the happiness we feel, the laughter we share, and all of these are essential to life, not a device that fits in our pockets. The Prince finds that the person who knows him the least gave him the words that spoke to him the most. Sometimes you need that outside opinion to really make you realize the important things in life.

Lesson #7: Take care of those around you.

I really don’t want to get too detailed on this life lesson because I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. We wish some things could last forever, but not everything does. Take time and make an effort to be with those you love while you can. You will always wish you had more time with them, so never waste a second.

Lesson #8: Sometimes you have to let go to love.

This is something that might be hard to admit but also something that you might need to do. I am not one for holding grudges or letting things weigh me down for too long and you shouldn’t be either. I find that if there is something that is completely out of your control, you just have to let it go. The Little Prince finds out the same thing when he learns that the one he loves does not love him, he just has to let it go. You cannot change people’s minds, feelings, or actions, and in those situations you just have to let it be. It might be hard to bite your tongue or turn a blind eye, but it is something we all will have to do at some point in life. If you continue to hold on to things that have passed it buries you in negative emotions. Letting go of what you can’t control takes the weight off of your shoulders and gives you a chance to grow.

I could go on for hours about how amazing this book is, but you should use that time instead to read it yourselves. Trust me, The inspiring words of Antoine de Saint Exupéry will teach you more than this list covers and it will make being a “serious” adult a whole lot easier.