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Kevin & Kyle Phanord, Your Favorite CUA Twins

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Names: Kevin Phanord & Kyle Phanord

Year: Juniors

Major: Pre-dental Biology Majors

Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Campus Activities: Men’s Basketball, Biology Club, BSA

Relationship Status: Both SINGLE ;)


Fun fact:

Kevin: “A lot of people say I look like Kanye.”

Kyle: “Every time I get a new song alert I will play it on repeat for like five days straight.”


Give me your best pick up line:

Kevin: “I really like your eyes.”

Kyle: “Whuddup girl?”


Favorite Big Boy Drink:

Kevin: E & J

Kyle: Rum and Coke


What motto do you live by?

Kevin: “Work hard, play hard”

Kyle: “Go hard or go home”

Favorite Music artist:

Kevin & Kyle: J. Cole


Favorite Chick Flick:

Kevin: A Walk to Remember

Kyle: The Notebook


Biggest pet peeve:

Kevin: Disrespectful people

Kyle: Dirty people


Most embarrassing moment:

Kevin: “In first grade, I took a pair of scissors and cut a patch in my hair.”

Kyle: “Recently I asked a girl on a date and she said no…”


Where will you be in ten years?

Kevin & Kyle: “Working in North Miami with my brother with multiple Dental practices.”