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What’s On My March Playlist

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Having a great playlist always puts me in the right mood. Whether you’re looking for something to play while studying, working out, driving, or hanging out with friends, I’m happy to share my top songs at the moment with you. I’m not one for branching out so I often have a hard time finding new artists to listen to, but I hope you are able to check these out and share your recommendations with me!

  1. Kelly Clarkson’s cover of “Happier Than Ever” by Billie Eilish

As a millennial, I have seen Kelly Clarkson’s whole career, all the way back to “American Idol.” Her album “Kellyoke” features all covers, and they really pack a punch. Her vocals remain unmatched. While I love Billie’s original track, this cover carries a new emotional depth. Check it out and see how it compares!

  1. “Out of the Blue” by Courtney Govan

Govan is a plus size indie singer with followings on TikTok and Instagram. Her voice is out of this world, and her songwriting gets me every time. This track is an upbeat middle-finger to the haters and anyone who has tried to drag you down.

  1. “Paris” by Taylor Swift

On her tenth album “Midnights”, Swift released an extended “3am Edition” that included a few bonus tracks, like this one. “Paris” is my favorite new love song of hers, focused on giggling behind your hands with your person and stealing sacred moments with them, all while ignoring and hiding from the drama around you.

  1. “Easy” by MisterWives

I hope this track is leading to a new album from my fave band! Lead singer Mandy Lee soulfully proclaims that just because life is getting better, that doesn’t make the journey any easier. This is a song for those who know just how hard it is to keep going sometimes, but we keep our chins up anyway.

  1. The “Special” album by Lizzo

I absolutely love this album. I cannot pick just one song, but my top faves are “About Damn Time,” “Grrrls,” and “2 Be Loved (Am I Ready).” I think that Lizzo’s voice and production are top-notch, and this album has such a great message about positivity.

I hope you found a new track to jam to on my March playlist! I think my current songs are emotional because they honor the journey, but they are mostly upbeat and positive about where I am going. I hope they can inspire you as well.

Sarah Adams

CU Boulder '26

Linguist and cat person, most likely watching a hockey game, but I ought to be working on my dissertation.