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What’s in my backpack for a full day of classes at CU Boulder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Classes have started, and it’s time to figure out what exactly to bring with you to campus. Here are a few things I find essential for a full day of class.

Classes have started, and so far, the hardest thing for me has been figuring out what on earth I’m supposed to be bringing to class, especially after doing Zoom for most of my college career so far. I’m used to being holed up in my room all day, but now I have to plan for a full day out of the house. I finally figured out what is essential and what’s not, so here is a full list of what I bring with me to campus that will hopefully help you out if you’re in the same boa

1. Computer

This is probably a given for most people, but I genuinely forgot to bring my computer to my first couple of classes this semester. Having your laptop with you in all classes is essential; you need it to take notes, look at Canvas, follow along on readings, and so much more. Also, if you zone out in class as much as I do, having your computer is great to keep you busy while you listen to lecture, whether you’re online shopping, working on other homework, or scrolling around, it helps a lot for me personally to be able to multitask so I don’t find myself counting down the minutes until class is over and actually be able to pay attention. And the equally important item? Your laptop charger.

2. Water Bottle

Basically every girl in Boulder has a Hydro Flask with her at all times, but no matter your water bottle choice, it’s must-have accessory here. Especially during these warmer months (and some CU building without air conditioning…), staying hydrated is incredibly important for a day on campus.

3. Pencils and a notebook

Those are just a few of the things that I find completely necessary for a full day on campus, but there are other things that can make your class experience more comfortable, like chapstick, coffee, keys, and hair ties. Gear up for the start of the year, and get ready to thrive on campus and do well in all of your classes!

4. Your Buffone Card

Especially now during COVID, you need your BuffOne to do so many things on campus, so I make sure to never leave the house without it! It is necessary if you’re going to any of CU’s dining halls, to get into some class buildings, and to get into your dorm if you live on campus. You don’t want to be caught at Farrand without your swipes, so don’t forget it!

Sydney is a junior at CU majoring in Strategic Communications and minoring in Media Studies. She is super interested fashion, skincare, lifestyle, and entertainment.