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Transitioning your Wardrobe with the Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

As Colorado collegiettes we all know that when the colder weather comes it can be hard to stay motivated to look cute for class. However, this fashionable collegiette shows us that dressing for fall weather can be as simple as putting on a pair of leggings, a lightweight sweater and some boots. She then let her accessories speak for themselves by adding a long necklace, chunky watch, and large caramel leather bag to carry her books around. She also keeps the color palette neutral which is a great way to transition from the bright colors of summer to the darker hues of winter. Transitioning your clothes can be simple as long as you take a few minutes in the morning to throw on something other than an old sweatshirt and jeans.

Anna is a Sophomore at the University of Colorado at Boulder studying Journalism in the News-Editorial track. She is very involved in her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, where she is curerntly the Vice President of Development. Also within the Greek Community, Anna writes for The Odyssey, a Greek newspaper. With a spare moment, Anna loves capturing the beauty of everyday through photography, embarking on mini adventures, skiing the peaks, and sipping chai. Nothing relaxes her more than tying on her running shoes and exploring the mountain trails and soaking up Colorado's sun. A recent addition to the Her Campus Team, she is excited for what is to come!