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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Body Positivity is tough. Everyone says “be more body positive” but on the other hand, we still consistently see airbrushed model after another while scrolling through social media or looking at the magazine covers in the grocery store. People tend to say “be more body positive” but we are still reminded daily that airbrushed models reign supreme.

So let’s flip the script on that.

Instead, let’s remind ourselves that we are brilliant, beautiful pioneers of a healthy movement that focuses more on how your body feels than how it looks. After all, that’s what health and beauty are about, feeling good in your own body.

So here are some steps to help make body positivity feel like the glamorous revolutionary movement it is:

Source // Design Clever

1. Remind yourself that no body is the same.

You are the only person in the universe with a body like yours, you are a unique queen. Be proud of that.

2. Be proud of what you have accomplished.

Your body has been through a lot, be proud of what you have done and what you have been able to do. Those acne scars and stretch marks have stories that have made you stronger as a person. Embrace them because you would not be you without the adventures you have gone through.

Source // Medium

3. Go on a social media detox

Really pay attention to the social media you’re consuming and the messages they send. Unfollow anyone that leaves you feeling less or makes you constantly compare yourself.

Source // Pinterest

4. Focus on People Who Support You

Surround yourself ONLY with those who love you for exactly the person you are and want to support you in your goals and dreams. I mean it even if that means you have to go on a friends detox too. Go for it, we support and love you here at HerCampus. Plus, you’ll feel amazing.

Source // Pinterest

5. Cut out all that Negative Self Talk

Pay attention to how you talk about yourself. How do you take compliments? Do you shut them down, are you self-deprecating? Babe, you are gorgeous let your bestie tell you that without shutting it down. The way you speak about yourself matters.

Source // Etsy

6. Practice Self Love

Find one thing about yourself that you love and tell remind yourself every day. When you feel really confident about that, find another thing and begin again. It will help change the way you feel and talk about yourself

Source // Medium

Body Positivity can be tough and it may not change overnight. It is a process, but isn’t choosing to love yourself worth it?

Love you, babes, always,


Louisa Brott

CU Boulder '20

Louisa Brott is a senior BFA student currently majoring in Cinema Production and minoring in French at the University of Colorado Boulder. In addition to HerCampus she is a Panhellenic woman at CU. Louisa hopes to one day direct a blockbuster film that focuses on the misrepresentation of gender in Hollywood films and hopes to create a production studio with a slide and a nap pod that sheds light on important social issues. You might see Louisa on campus pulling all-nighters in the ATLAS editing lab, or working at the Starbucks on the Hill. She has insider information about what Starbucks drinks to order and what to pass on. Moodboards, Chick Flicks and dogs are the way to her heart, and she won't complain if you happened to send her a Summer Fridays mask.
Sko Buffs!