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Tickengo: A New Way to Travel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.



The AB RTD to Denver International Airport is packed beyond capacity, you’re already running late, the next scheduled bus is a hour from now, about 10 minutes from when your flight departs- if you haven’t been there, lucky you, if you have? Tickengo can help.

Tickengo is an online social community designed to connect ordinary people looking to share rides, save money, and decrease our ever-expanding carbon footprint. With over 10,000 people signed up as drivers throughout the United States, including 200 in Denver and 100 in our very own Boulder, Colorado, this service is ideal for the hungry college student looking for a few extra dollars. Whether you’re trying to get to a show, up to the mountains, follow our Buffs through the PAC-12, or just wanting a ride during a freezing cold day without waiting for the bus, Tickengo’s service is perfect for you. As a rider, it allows you to name your price, date and time of pickup, and only takes an average of three minutes to receive confirmation of your scheduled ride.

Using Tickengo, drivers are available to accept ride requests and are allowed to earn up to $8,776 per year, the AAA average estimated annual cost of owning a vehicle. This means that they are not professional drivers but rather fellow students and helpful people in the community who are just trying to recoup the cost of owning a vehicle.  Safety is ensured through reputations, detailed profiles and ratings.

In order to grow fast and share its profits, Tickengo recently introduced a new referral feature called “Refer Friends for Cash”. Tickengo users can refer people to Tickengo and earn 50% of all service fees on rides taken by the people they refer.  This social referral program is likely to attract ambitious CU students who enjoy sharing rides and often need rides to get to their many social and other events. This opportunity enables them to earn money while spreading the word about inexpensive social rides to their friends.  For example, Tickengo’s average revenue is $3 per ride (the 15% service fee added to the voluntary contribution to the driver). If a person signs up 20 friends and makes $6.00 per person per month (average Tickengo service fee for 4 rides x 50%), that’s $120 per month without doing anything besides inviting friends through the Tickengo referral tool.

In addition, the use of Tickengo by CU students might reduce the number of underage drunken arrests in Boulder, especially when our only options are waiting an hour for CU NightRide or walking home alone. This service is blowing up all over the country, available on mobile apps on both android and apple products, it’s about time CU students use it for what it’s worth. 

Natasha is sophomore at University of Colorado Boulder and is majoring in Journalism. She is a Southern California native learning to live in the snow, and is addicted to dirty chais. She is the Social Chair of Alpha Phi, and believes life is better in a pair of stilettoes. She one day aspires to work in the fashion magazine industry, or public relations.