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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Hi, my name is Tracy and you’re reading Her Campus ;D

What a throwback! Disney Channel movies in the 2010s were classic. So good! I’m so glad Disney+ came out- I watch the same five movies on repeat. Watching Disney Channel now is just not the same. So I stick with the oldies. Oldies, but goodies. I’d have to say the top three underrated movies from that time are “Starstruck”, “Lemonade Mouth”, and “Camp Rock”.


I am such a hopeless romantic. I love cheesy movies that end happily ever after. There’s something about young love in movies that really pull the heartstrings. Now we see where unrealistic love expectations come from. Oi.

However, watching them have so much fun and battle through initial relationship problems makes you ride an emotional roller coaster that you wouldn’t expect. It follows a stereotypical teenage love story plotline, but it’s a good nostalgic movie.

“Lemonade Mouth”

Not a lot of people are fans of this movie. It’s one of my encore replays because I feel like it’s an empowering movie. Students from different backgrounds and stories meet in detention and from there they became a band that empowered what the school has suppressed. I feel like every time I watch the movie, I relearn to sympathize and go do something to make a difference. Also, the songs are pretty good. Bridget Mendler brings back childhood memories!

“Camp Rock”

A popular, but unpopular favorite as well. This is sort of similar to the “High School Musical” series because there’s a love story and they sing throughout the movie. Don’t be mistaken, I LOVE “High School Musical”. I think I love those movies more for nostalgia because it was one of the first movies I watched in theaters. It gets a lot of hype- well deserved because, ahem, Zac Efron. But “Camp Rock” doesn’t get talked about a lot. It is inspirational and at one point, Shane finds the voice he’s been looking for. So sweet. 

Watch these movies! They’re all on Disney+. Highly recommended!  

Tracy Huynh

CU Boulder '23

Tracy is a sophomore at the Leeds School of Business. In her free time, she enjoys binge-watching Netflix and going shopping. If she is not studying, she can be found with a fuzzy blanket and fuzzy socks in bed or in the home decor section of any store daydreaming.
Sko Buffs!