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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Without any of these women in my life, I would not be where I am today. You are all genuinely some of my favorite people to ever walk this Earth (plus my dad, but that comes later). 


I have never known anything besides your love my entire life. Even though I was a relatively easy kid (at least I think so), you made me want to be. You always treasured and valued my creativity and imagination growing up, and for that I thank you. Your passion and love of niche subjects is one of my favorite things about you. 

You have always seen the best in me and will continue to do so. You constantly help me through my crazy because sometimes my emotions get the best of me. You are one of my safe spaces to air out my grievances without judgment. I can talk for hours without the expectation of a solution, but you still find the perfect thing to say. 

I have adopted your love of cooking, home shows, stationary, and organization – as well as my addiction to Pinterest. You fostered my love for reading as well because you didn’t care what was reading as long as I was reading. That was the most important part. You’ve also never made me feel stupid for loving romance books – instead you’ve sent me book recommendations. That’s the kind of person you are.

On top of all of that, you inspire me every damn day. Regardless of all that you have faced and endured you are one of the most driven, passionate, and intelligent people I know. You always want to be better and that, in turn, makes me want to be better.

I don’t think you get enough credit for how incredible you are and how hard you work. 


Over the last year, since we’ve been in college, you have become one of the pillars in my community. I couldn’t have survived last year without you. I think this is the closest we have ever been. Growing up we were always friends, but not like this. You are the person who can relate and understand me the most in many aspects of my life. You have my eyes and ears in family gatherings and when I reference anything, you immediately understand. 

You are my No. 1 person for all my New Girl references and you are my No. 1 person to roast. If we ever argue (which is rare), we know how to communicate and move past it. We don’t dwell on the tension. You are refreshing, genius, and so creative. You amaze me with your knowledge. 

As sisters, I think we complete each other. We even see each other out in a multitude of ways. Where you’re more “book-smart,” I am more “street-smart.” If I ever need a comfortable topic or need something to talk about with other people, you’re always my first choice. We don’t have to talk—within the silence is the most comfortable I have ever been. 

You’ve grown up with my mind and you understand me like the back of your hand. The same goes with me and you. When Mom and Dad had us, I don’t know if they knew they were giving me one of my best friends. 


You are one of the lights of my life. You have graced me with your luminescence and I am honored to have the privilege of calling you my best friend. You understand me on a level I didn’t know anyone could. I never have to hide parts of myself to be accepted by you – you and I are one in the same. I don’t have to say anything and you just get it. Anything I am thinking or feeling – I know you are, too. 

Since 7th grade we have seen and loved each other at our most awkward phases and we continue to grow together. Even though we are not in the same city right now, I have never felt as though we aren’t as close. Not a day goes by that I question where I stand with you. 

I have never felt more secure and accepted in my friendships growing up. I never turn down the opportunity to talk about you. I have never felt embarrassment or judgment from you. I never fail to mention you, even in casual conversation. I have laughed harder with you in the last eight years I have known you than I have in my entire life.

Your positive outlook, calm demeanor, and effortless humor are just a few of the things I love most about you. Because of you, I have learned about new music, life challenges, and more about myself through you. My friendship with you will always be one of my favorite parts of me. 

* Honorable mention – TO MY DAD: 

Even though my dad is not a woman, this list wouldn’t be complete without him.

Without you and Mom I don’t know where I would be. As hard as it was to find tough love in some moments and as mad as I was about getting it, I thank you for it. You and I are very similar people in the way we think, act, and love. 

You have set me up for success in ways I didn’t think possible. You have taught me valuable lessons in life that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. You have taught me to think tougher but also to embrace my sensitivity. You have taught me to not let my compassion for people become a weakness, but a strength. 

You have single-handedly helped me learn the art of not caring so much about what people think – and it changed my life. You think just like I do. Your love language is acts of service and gift-giving, much like mine. I get my bougieness and adoration for the finer things in life from you. 

You are one the most wholesome, caring, and hardworking people in my life. You send me random facts and tidbits about the things I am interested in to show that you care. I get excited when I see my Instagram flooded with animal reels that you send me. You have so much love to give. I am just lucky enough to be able to receive it. 

Your hard work and dedication to give your family the best life possible is admirable and I don’t think you hear that enough. I admire you. 

I don’t know what I did to deserve these absolutely incredible people in my life, but I will forever be grateful. I love you all dearly. Thank you.

Lachlan is a second-year student at CU Boulder double-majoring in Psychology and Strategic Communications. In HCCU, she hopes to find a new passion and to expand her creativity. She's very passionate about anything food/coffee related, feminism, discussing social media, and mental health. Lachlan is a member of the Her Campus Chapter at CU Boulder this 24-25 academic school year. This is her second year being a part of Her Campus. Along with being a writer, she is also on the social team, working with a team of fellow writers to create posts for the HCCU Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and VSCO. Outside of writing and school, she loves to cook, read romance books, listen to new music, stalk her Spotify Daylist, and explore new restaurants and coffee shops. Lachlan hopes of opening her own coffee shop one day. You can usually find her either watching the same 3 rom-coms on rotation or scrolling through Pinterest. She is currently obsessed with Sex and the City and iced honey cinnamon lattes. Her current favorite artists are Daniel Caesar, Mac Miller, Doja Cat, Ray Bull, Malcolm Todd, Ashe, The Marias and Sombr.