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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Allow me to introduce you to my greatest find of 2019, Rosehip Seed Oil, aka a God-send against Colorado’s dry winters. Rosehip seed oil differs from rose oil in that it is produced from the fruit of the rose that is exposed after its petals drop, rather than from the petals itself. So just a heads up, this also means that this oil doesn’t smell like roses; directly from the bottle it has a pretty earthy smell but you put such a small amount on your skin that you really don’t notice. 

Source//The Best Organic Skincare

I really can’t think about a skin-related issue that rosehip oil DOESN’T help with; it has so many anti-aging and healing properties it can help level out your skin tone, reduce scarring, brighten your skin, and so much more. 

Source//Key Word Suggests

Rosehip seed oil is incredibly versatile and poses many health and beauty benefits. Rosehip oil contains high levels of beta carotene (a form of vitamin A), vitamin C, and is considered to be one of the richest plant sources of Vitamin C. This means not only can it protect you from dry, itchy skin, it can also help correct dark spots and reduce the appearance of scars. Not to mention that Vitamin A and Vitamin C both stimulate collagen production which helps keep your skin looking hydrated and new. (Also pro-tip: its ability to diminish scars translates to helping with stretch marks as well!). 

Source//Plastic Surgery Practice

I’m going to be honest, I was very skeptical when I saw my friend putting straight oil on her face and told me to try it. I have more naturally oil-prone skin and while I definitely wanted my skin to be hydrated, I didn’t want it to appear overly greasy. But it DOESN’T. I can’t explain the science behind it but it absorbs so well into the skin and replenishes it without leaving a layer of oil or any gross film. AND as someone who is on two separate medications for acne, I can verify that this doesn’t cause breakouts and is totally natural for your skin! 

Source//Good Housekeeping

You can find rosehip seed oil in a lot of pharmacies and drug stores, but honestly, I just bought mine off Amazon. Here’s a link to the exact one I use: Source//Amazon

(yes it may SEEM a little pricy, but I’ve been using this bad boy for about 3 months and I haven’t even made a dent so it will definitely last you a while). 

Megan Grote

CU Boulder '21

Megan is currently a senior at CU Boulder, graduating December 2020, pursuing a double major in Communication and Chinese, and minoring in Information Science. Originally from Virginia, Megan grew up overseas in Qatar and loves learning about people and their experiences with the world. Her passions include all things ocean and space related, animals, and introducing others to the curative powers of funky socks.
Sko Buffs!