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photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Here’s to one of the most underrated holiday’s out there… Thanksgiving. It’s this time of year where we take a break from school to come together with our loved ones and eat a ton of delicious food. Personally, I love this holiday because during the year we get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to take time to appreciate what’s important to us. So having the opportunity to spend quality time with our family and friends is very special. 

Besides the family and food, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all of the good things in our lives, but why should we only celebrate these things once a year? There is so much to be thankful for and we shouldn’t have to wait for Thanksgiving in order to honor them. 

We should constantly have gratitude for all the big and small things in life that create joy and happiness. There is so much taken for granted in this world and it’s important that we realize just how lucky we are. 

Here are my top 10 reasons to be thankful.

1. Good Health

We should all be happy that we are here today as healthy individuals. For those that are not as fortunate, it’s important to take time to help them. 

2. Family and Friends 

These people are our primary support system and without them, life would be very different. They motivate us, teach us, and make us better. So in return, we must do the same for them. 

3. A Home

Wherever you call home, whether that’s your parent’s house or college dorm room, be grateful it’s there. There are so many people that lack this necessity, so it’s important to appreciate our living space. 

4. Food and water

Now, this is one of the things I cherish the most. Food is an actual blessing and I’m saying that seriously because not only is it delicious but it’s very valuable, just like water. We are lucky that we have easy access to both items on a daily basis. 

5. An Education

As a college student, I couldn’t be more grateful to be educated in such a beautiful place. This will create many opportunities in the future and hopefully result in success. For those still in high school, even if you dread going every day just think how lucky you are for having the resources that many children cannot obtain.

6. Freedom

Being able to live in a free country has allowed us so many opportunities to choose our own paths and express ourselves however we want. America has created a strong democracy where the people matter. 

7. Weekends

Life can get chaotic so it’s crucial that we have days to relax and rejuvenate. This includes sitting in bed all day and watching Netflix because let’s be honest, we all need those days. 

8. Random Acts of Kindness

When strangers do nice things for each other, it makes us think that there is good in the world and that people care more about just themselves. We need more of these random displays of kindness in our daily lives.

9. The Internet

Although it has completely changed the way we live and modernized our society, I am thankful that we have such easy access to everything now that it’s digital. That includes phone calls, social media, and just about everything else. 

10. Mother Earth

This is the number one thing that humans take for granted. Earth has so many beautiful features from mountains to oceans and these things are slowly disintegrating due to natural and human causes. We need to work together to keep our home stable and alive.

Overall, these are just ten things that I’m very thankful for, but I can think of a hundred more things that I appreciate as well. So when Thanksgiving rolls around next week express your gratitude, but instead of moving on with life after the holiday is over, keep theses important values in your mind throughout the year. I can ensure that you will be more positive and have a brighter outlook on life. 


Jessica Curley

CU Boulder '22

My name is Jessica and I'm a freshman here at CU Boulder. I'm currently majoring in strategic communications in the College of Media, Communication and Information and I love it! Outside of school, I enjoy writing, dancing, photography and being outdoors. I'm excited to be apart of Her Campus and I can't wait to write more this year!
Sko Buffs!