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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Everyone has their fair share of good and bad halloween costumes and getting creative is getting harder, so here are some of my past costumes to either inspire you or to show you what you want to stay away from!

  • Alien from “Toy Story” 
    • 10/10. My friend group refused to agree on a costume idea so we settled for space themed costumes. Unsurprisingly, my best friend and I decided to do “Toy Story” characters because we are children. All I had to buy was some ribbon and neon green fishnets; I  had everything else. I got a little crafty with the antenna and the Pizza Planet logo (when I say crafty I mean I printed it off) and the rest was easy. Paired with my friend’s Buzz Lightyear costume, we took the group theme to… infinity and beyond (I had to do it, I am so sorry)!
  • Velma from “Scooby Doo”
    • 7.8/10. Everyone has to do Scooby Doo once and it is best when done as a last minute group costume. Interestingly, I went as Velma and my boyfriend went as Shaggy (even though I am blonde and my boyfriend is a red head, we would have been a powerful gender-bent Fred and Daphne) and our close friends finished off the costume as Daphne and Fred. Please don’t shed tears, but we did not have a Scooby; our other friend decided to go as a biker instead (and f*cking rocked it, she let me draw on a fake mustache and everything). So, the mystery gang had a little less Scooby Snacks but, hey, that’s what you get for being so last minute. What gives this costume its points is I bought my skirt for 10 dollars at Goodwill just a few days before and it was perfect. And, let’s be honest, I look quite good in glasses.
  • Sandy from “Grease”
    • 8.5/10. Another last minute addition to the Halloween collection, but my boyfriend looks really good as a 50’s greaser, and I honestly don’t think anyone could tell that it wasn’t planned. I found every single part of this costume in my closet or makeup drawer in the 30 minutes I was given to get ready. Plus, we accidentally showed up a day early to the costume party and everyone was in normal clothes, so I can promise we would have won the costume contest! 
  • Wednesday Adams (Sophomore Year) 
    • 4/10. I literally do not want to talk about this. Who let me braid my hair like that? Why do I have so much attitude? How can one pretend to be edgy while posing in front of her little sister’s bedroom door that is decorated with Disney Princesses? Moving on. 
  • Scarlet from “Clue” (Freshman Year of College)
    • 6.5/10. I will fight this until I die, this costume would have been amazing with a bit more planning and if we were not on a college student budget. My whole group was going to be all of the characters with our own murder weapons and each with little cards that said who we think did it. But alas, in the middle of midterms and praying we would find a $5 bill in our pockets, the costume was… less than underwhelming. I hope we can redo this again in the future and next time not have every single person I run into think I am a flapper girl. 
  • Bob Ross (Junior Year): 
    • 6/10. There are so many good aspects to this costume. I was in Hawaii, and my entire family went as different ‘Bobs.’ We had a Bobsled, Ricky Bobby, a Bobcat, my grandpa even went as a giant pair of breasts with one of the O’s crossed out. I looked stupid as all hell. We were the moment. However, the beard was ridiculously itchy and almost no one else was dressed up. I had also just gotten dumped like the week before so even dressing as the good ole’ “happy accidents” man couldn’t cure that heartache.

Basically, the moral to the story is that Halloween is a holiday to have fun and look as stupid as possible or look hotter than you have ever looked. It’s good to have a balance. Don’t worry, I’ll look goofy next year!

Charlotte Youngman

CU Boulder '25

I am a freshman majoring in Childhood Education. I love writing, reading, and anything to do with literature!