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Madeline Rose Jewelry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Meet Madeline Rose Morton.  She is a student at CU and a young entrepreneur who has just launched her own jewelry line, called Madeline Rose.  For Madeline this has been a passion since high school and with the encouragement of her family she has combined her interests of fashion and business and created a line of jewelry that showcases her personal creativity to create eye-catching, fashionable pieces. The unique pieces are composed of mostly natural elements, each one hand-made and one of a kind.
Her Campus CU Boulder had the opportunity to interview Madeline about her new line and we were inspired by this girl’s ability to make her goals a reality.

HC: What makes your new line, Madeline Rose, standout?
MR: Madeline Rose Jewelry is all about the transformation of natural materials into something new and unique. The idea of using a medium that is seen everyday and exposing it’s beauty and transforming it into another purpose is something that I find intriguing.
HC: What is your ultimate goal for your business?
MR: My goal is be able to sell my pieces nation wide, and to open my own storefront some day.
HC: What is your favorite piece you have created and do you create each piece yourself?
MR: My favorite piece at the moment is the “King’s Crown”. It was my first design using porcupine quills, and I think it’s unique and I love both making it and wearing it. 
HC: What has been the biggest challenge with getting your line launched?
MR: I think the largest challenge about getting my site launched was getting the courage to put my work out there and see what the reaction was going to be, whether that be good or bad. Once I decided to take the plunge and put the site up, I realized how rewarding it was, so I definitely encourage anyone who is hesitant to launch their own brand.
HC: What has been the most rewarding thing about Madeline Rose Jewelry?
MR: There are a lot of rewarding aspects about my jewelry line, but I think what I love the most is coming up with new designs and seeing how people react to them. It has been fun to challenge myself in trying new techniques and thinking of new ways to use everyday materials. 

Be sure to check out the jewelry for yourself at: http://madelinerosejewelry.com/

Elana Starlord is  a junior at the University of Colorado.  She is majoring in Broadcast News and minoring in Technology, Arts and Media.  During her time at CU she has been the social chair of the CU Club Tennis team and a contributing writer for the University's student newspaper.  Elana loves spending time in the mountains, snowboarding and exploring the Colorado outdoors.  Elana spent summer 2011 in LA as a marketing/events intern at Participant Media.  Currently, she is interning at 303 Magazine in Denver and reports annually for the Boulder International Film Festival.  Whenever Elana has spare time she takes advantage of it by traveling with friends and family.