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Let’s Talk About Guy Talk (And Why It’s Gotta Stop)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Guy talk: noun, a conversation between guys – excludes filters and common sense

Ever been sitting in class and overhear the guys behind you talking about how hot a girl is? Or have you been in the same room as guys while they’re talking about all the girls; just picking apart every little imperfection? Sadly, this is nothing new, guys do this all the time. A good way to describe this is “guy talk”.

For the guys it’s all fun and games, they see no harm nor wrong in what they’re doing. They enjoy laughing at each other’s mutual opinions about girls. For girls on the other hand, its devaluing. Knowing that you are being judged by your appearance is internally upsetting. Guys don’t see that the way they talk about girls a lot of the time is rude and offensive. They have gotten a little too used to objectifying girls and treating them as if they are nothing but a pretty face and a nice body.

It’s not OK. It’s not okay for guys to exprss their opinions on girls in such a ruthless way. Talking about how attractive a girl is simply because of her body is shameful. Describing girls as “fat “or “ugly” falls under the same category. It’s not okay but guys seem to think that it is indeed alright. Just because a girl does not fall under a guy’s standards doesn’t give them the right to tear apart what they don’t like.

Guys don’t understand the effect that their insulting conversations truly have. Hearing dudes talk about girls as if they are inanimate objects can crumble a girl’s self-esteem. Knowing that they are nothing more than a body and a face to guys is internally upsetting. As a girl, you should understand that it’s okay to not have society’s idea of the ‘perfect’ body or the ‘prettiest’ face. Just because a guy doesn’t approve doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful in your own way. And plus you don’t need anyone’s approval, embrace yourself as you are.

What are you supposed to do in a situation like this? It’s sometimes hard to be the girl to turn around and interrupt the conversation to remind the guys that what they are saying is not okay. Guys can be intimidating, especially when they come in a pack, so it may not be the easiest to lower them off their high-horse to let them know that they are in the wrong. But, it is necessary. Men need to know that they should not be expressing themselves that way toward girls. So, maybe next time you over hear the ‘guy talk’ make sure to stick up for your sistas, and know that we are right there with you. XO

CU Boulder CMCI // Public Relations // Fashion Enthusiast // Lover of Chocolate  "Enjoy the little things" 
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