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The Last 3 Weeks of the Semester, As Told By the Kardashians

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

It’s finally that time of the semester where everything is hitting you at once. You’re so close yet so far away from the finish line. Here’s a way to get through it with some of the funniest Kardashian gifs!

When you get back from Thanksgiving break and finally realize all of the responsibilities you put off all week.

When all your professors are assigning final projects, papers and assignments all at once.

When your friends have free time and ask if you want to hangout and do stuff, but you’re drowning in work.

When it’s time to start actually studying for finals, and you realize you haven’t paid attention in lecture all semester.

When you ace your finals and realize you actually do have your shit together.

When you are at the airport going home to your dog, family, bed and showers without shoes.

Push through these last few weeks!!!! This is the toughest part of the semester but with a lot of coffee, confidence and Kardashians, you will get through it. Keep working hard and doing your best, you got this!

XOXO, HerCampus

All Gif’s from Google Image Search

Sophie Damian

CU Boulder '21

Hi! I'm Sophie! I'm a sophomore strategic communications major with a PR track. I'm from the Poconos in Pennsylvania and came to CU as a freshman. I chose CU because even though it's so far away from my home, as soon as I stepped on campus it felt like another home to me! It has great opportunities and Colorado as a state is becoming so popular and up and coming that I knew I would have amazing opportunities coming my way with a degree from CU Boulder. I love sports, particularly the Philadelphia Flyers and Pittsburgh Steelers! I'm a HUGE college football fan and actually live for Saturday College Game Day with the favorite coach, person, ESPN analyst: Lee Corso. I really enjoy writing as it was always my strong suit throughout school. I also enjoy working, watching Netflix and hanging with my friends and family! I also love dogs so much and want tons of them when I'm older!
Sko Buffs!