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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

 Looking for something to do over Thanksgiving and winter break? From November 15th until December 30th, the 44th annual Holiday Art Market through Foothills Art Center in Golden, CO will be happening!

This huge event showcases artists from all over, and gives them a chance to promote their work. From ceramic art to paintings, almost every kind of talent will be set on display. This is good news for you because there will be millions of brilliant pieces of art for you to buy, gift, and treasure.


This event is a great holiday activity for you and your family to participate in. Admission is free to the public and there will be other events happening in Golden throughout the season, including a “Candlelight Walk with Santa” on December 7th. Please come and support your local artists, they work hard to please your eyes and touch your heart.

Lauren Owens

CU Boulder '22

Hi! I'm Lauren and I love to write, take pictures, travel, and shop. My favorite aniaml is the cat and I currently have three! I am a Communications and possible Journalism major this fall at CU Boulder. I also love to find the best iced coffee in any town I visit, and I can't wait to share some of my Boulder insightes (especially the coffee) with my fellow Boulder babes!
Sko Buffs!