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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Ladies, meet  Isaac Sokol.  He’s  a friendly, easy going guy who likes snowboarding and filming.  If  you want his number, we’ve got it for you. 
Age: 21
Year and Major: Senior, Business Management
Hometown: Newton, MA
Dream Job: Executive chef at McDonald’s
Free time: Collecting rare sea glass during long walks on the beach
Dream date: Shrimp fest at Red Lobster
Qualities in a girl: Tall fathers, philanthropic
Bucket List: Drive a zamboni
Last meal: Diet gingerale and fire hot cheetos 
Describe yourself in one word: Nervous
Turn on: Cowboy boots
Turn off: Netflix account
Ski or snowboard: Snowllerblade
What’s a girls’ trend you don’t understand: Long hair
Pet Peeves: The word pet peeve
Describe your personal style: Pants, shirt, shoes and socks.  I’ll often throw a hat into the mix
Three things every guy needs: An American flag, windshield wiper fluid, sunflower seeds
Favorite Quote: “When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool.” –Chinua Achebe

Anna is a Sophomore at the University of Colorado at Boulder studying Journalism in the News-Editorial track. She is very involved in her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, where she is curerntly the Vice President of Development. Also within the Greek Community, Anna writes for The Odyssey, a Greek newspaper. With a spare moment, Anna loves capturing the beauty of everyday through photography, embarking on mini adventures, skiing the peaks, and sipping chai. Nothing relaxes her more than tying on her running shoes and exploring the mountain trails and soaking up Colorado's sun. A recent addition to the Her Campus Team, she is excited for what is to come!