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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Being stuck in quarantine has made me want to do nothing except for shop online. Instagram fashion is the window shopping we need in isolation. Here are some of the cutest Instagram outfits that I want to recreate ASAP.

Simple Black Tank

This outfit is so simple yet so chic, and easy to recreate. I want every piece!

Cream Satin Blouse

This look is iconic! The top is sold out on the website but are we shocked? I am still on the hunt for a similar blouse because that is stunning. 

Monochromatic Summer Day

Monochrome is in and she is killing it! This is the best way to look polished and together and we’re here for it. 

Animal Print Midi Skirt

Whoever decided animal print is in had it right. The unfinished hem on the tank and the slit in the skirt is the perfect combination of flirty and sexy! 

Black Blouse

This effortless look is fabulous for any season but she looks summer-ready with the loafers and short-sleeved blouse. All I have to say is…wow.

Soon enough we’ll be able to shop in person again and live our best lives, but right now we can dream and admire these amazing looks!

Kaitland is the Social Media Director for the chapter. She is a junior here at CU Boulder, studying Communication with minors in Spanish and Media Studies. Journalism is a fun hobby of hers and her favorite things to write about are: fashion, social issues and lifestyle. On campus, Kaitland is part of CMCI and the Dean Scholars. In Boulder you can find her at your local aesthetic coffee shop, trying out cool new restaurants, and saying hi to the local fauna.
Sko Buffs!