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I Need a Little Bit of a Distraction When I Study

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

I am someone who does not like studying in public because there are a lot of other distractions going on, and the library on campus is often too packed for my liking. Even if I go up to the mostly silent third floor, that floor scares me because of all the death glares I get just for opening my backpack. So, when I study on the fourth floor of the CASE building, I always have my earbuds in with a different T.V. show going on in the background to cancel out the rest of the noise in the area.I have watched so many different shows while studying, so here are my personal favorites.

  1. “Criminal Minds” (17 seasons)

For the long study sessions I have for my  media classes, I will turn on “Criminal Minds” and either do a split screen or put the show in its own tab and have it running in the background, almost like a podcast. It is so addicting and if you listen to one then you can listen to the others. Some of the episodes are two parters and that is something that can keep your interest. 

  1. “Bones” (12 seasons)

We will be sticking with the crime shows for a bit, but if you want some romance and a show that reads like a book, this would be the one. Each episode is like a different book with the underlying romance theme under the whole show, and with a lot of twists and turns. You can either watch and study, or get invested into the show and forget about the homework.

  1. “Friends” (Ten seasons)

 Let’s switch to something more light hearted: a show that everyone has either watched at least one  episode of or has heard of. “Friends” is a show that I watch when I am in need of a study break, and that is because I can turn it on at any episode without feeling like I am missing the whole plot. These episodes also pass by in a blink of an eye, and I will be honest–I might watch two episodes so that my break is roughly an hour long.

  1. “Gilmore Girls” (Seven seasons)
Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television

In the fall during peak midterm season, sometimes I need something light during my three hour cram sessions. When I put on a show that has a main character that is always studying, it makes independent studying feel like you are studying with a friend, with a side of mother-daughter drama.

  1. “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” (Seven seasons)

Now we have another throwback show, and one that I like when I have a lot of reading to do since it is a comedy. A lot of the reading that I have to do for my major and minors can be long and sort of boring, and when I need a little bit of a laugh, this show is my go to.

All of these shows have become my classic go-to study shows. Since I always have these shows on rotation,I don’t have to be physically watching the show—rather, I will be listening to the show, and images of the scene will be going through my head. Studying in silence on the third floor of the Norlin Library might be your favorite thing to do, but if you want to change it up and try something new, try watching these shows when you study.

Kennedy Pickering

CU Boulder '24

Kennedy is a Senior at the University of Colorado Boulder majoring in Media Studies and minoring in Women and Gender Studies, as well as Sports Media. I love to write about my life, and the nerdy hobbies that have taken a hold of my life, but I mainly love to write about different versions of feminism as well as my life as a Black student that attends a PWI. When I am not writing you can find me binge-reading the new young adult romance novel, all the movies in the Harry Potter series, rewatching Disney classics from TV shows to movies.