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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

College life is busy beyond belief and sometimes fashion and appearances get put on the back burner. From not feeling motivated to get out of sweatpants to constantly running around, it can be hard to not simply leave the house in an oversized sweater and leggings. However, there are a few simple items that are must haves that will spruce up any outfit.


A simple, black belt will make any outfit look a little nicer and add some edge to a simple pair of jeans. A simple way to look a little cuter without any thought.


Find yourself a basic pair of WEARABLE booties. If they hurt when you wear them, ditch them and find yourself something that’s comfortable. Booties look ADORABLE with a pair of frayed jeans, rolled jeans, skirts, dresses… basically everything.


Sweaters and Cardigans:

A fashionable sweater can take an outfit from a 4 to a 10. By throwing on a sophisticated layer, suddenly jeans and a crop-top can look professional with a hint of sexy. By far, one of my favorite ways to make an outfit a tad more chic.

At the end of the day, wear what you love and what makes you feel confident and amazing. Adding a little pizazz to an outfit can brighten up your look in a heartbeat and make you look less like a struggling college student (me) and a bit more like you have everything together. At least, that’s the trick I’ve been using. Basically, fake it till you make it ladies!

Noelle Ireland

CU Boulder '22

Aspiring lifestyle and fashion photographer and student at CU Boulder. Hoping to empower women and be empowered by others.
Sko Buffs!