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How To: Be A Facebook Flirt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

We know it happens, it may sound nerdy, but social media flirting is a daily occurrence.  CU students shared the top ways in which they get their flirt on, Facebook style.  You’ll never wonder why he didn’t return your poke again.

  1. Post a picture/video/website to their page that reminds them of an joke or memory you hold together
  2. Make your profile picture a picture of both of you (if you aren’t already close with this person-don’t do this!)
  3. When you get excited about the little green dot next to their name, IM them on facebook chat! 
  4. “Like” their status, but don’t over do it.
  5. Next time you have an event you are inviting people to-invite them! Even if it’s a cause or a school event they will still see your name.
  6. Update your status when you guys do something fun together and if you’re feeling really good about it you can even add the tag. 
Elana Starlord is  a junior at the University of Colorado.  She is majoring in Broadcast News and minoring in Technology, Arts and Media.  During her time at CU she has been the social chair of the CU Club Tennis team and a contributing writer for the University's student newspaper.  Elana loves spending time in the mountains, snowboarding and exploring the Colorado outdoors.  Elana spent summer 2011 in LA as a marketing/events intern at Participant Media.  Currently, she is interning at 303 Magazine in Denver and reports annually for the Boulder International Film Festival.  Whenever Elana has spare time she takes advantage of it by traveling with friends and family.  
Ali Chastain is a sophomore majoring in Advertising in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at CU Boulder. Even though her passion is in Advertising, Journalism has always been a close second, which is why she is stoked to be a part of Her Campus! Originally from St. Louis, MO, she calls Boulder her home away from home. She is a part of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and is also employed at American Apparel. When she is not working or studying, she loves to run around her favorite trails in Boulder, stalk music blogs, and put her foodie-ness to the test at new restaurants.