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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Now that October is in the rearview and November is upon us, the temperatures are going to start dropping in the next few weeks. As Jon Snow would say, “Winter is coming”, and it’s easy to be excited for fresh snowfalls, the holidays, and a few cozy nights in wearing out the trusty fuzzy socks. However, for some of us the approach of Winter means the inevitability of dry, flakey skin. If the exit of Autumn is making you fret for your skin, there are a few small steps that you can take that will make a world of difference. Get ready to banish all of the uncomfortable dry, cracking skin that may be holding you back from thriving in the cold!

1. Moisturize!Pinterest​

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! It’s so important that you keep your skin hydrated when the weather gets cold and dry. Since this is such a vital step in your skincare routine, it’s important that you do your research to find one that will work best with your skin. No matter the skin type, it’s really good sign if a moisturizer has a “humectant” in it. Humectants are a family of substances that do an incredible job of locking all of that good moisture into your skin. The moisturizer pictured above, the ‘Watermelon Pink Juice Moisturizer’ by GLOW RECIPE, is a really great choice that’s gotten super popular lately. It’s suitable for all skin types, lightweight, oil free, and it even contains a humectant, hyaluronic acid. It also smells like watermelon! What’s not to love? You can pick this bad boy up at Sephora or online. 

2. Exfoliate regularly


During the winter months, it’s important that you exfoliate about twice a week. Exfoliating sloughs off all of the dead skin cells that can block the underlying skin cells from getting enough moisture. However, with the harsh environment that winter presents for your skin, you are going to want to look into buying a gentle exfoliator, such as the La Roche-Posay ‘Ultra-Fine Scrub’. This product, as pictured above, is great because it exfoliates with super tiny particles to avoid irritation. It also features a special gel formula that cools and soothes the skin, leaving it glowing and moisturized. You can find this in any stores that carry La Roche-Posay, such as Target.

3. Invest in a humidifier 


While the Colorado winter is notorious for its dry air, investing in a humidifier can help to reverse how the air affects you. Humidifiers increase the moisture in the air around you, which can replenish some of the moisturizer that evaporated from your skin while outside in the dry climate. The humidifier above is from the company Pure Enrichment and it is Amazon’s best seller. It has a lot of great features such as a 1.5-liter tank, an automatic shut off, and it can operate continuously for up to 16 hours. There are also lots of humidifiers that can diffuse essential oils too, so that’s another feature you can look for if you’re in the market for one of these puppies.

4. Turn down the temperature


While a scalding hot shower can be incredibly tempting when the weather outside is frightful, it can actually be one of the worst things for your skin. High water temperatures are proven to strip your skin of its natural moisture barrier. Yikes! Some ways to avoid this are to opt for lukewarm showers and reducing the time spent in the shower. Keep this in mind when washing your hands and face as well, as hot water can be very harmful to the moisture levels of those areas as well.

5. Double up on the drinking water


Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and water comprises the largest portion of these cells, so it’s not hard to see why drinking water helps keep your skin extra healthy. When your skin doesn’t get enough water, the cells can’t function properly and therefore can result in a visible lack of hydration. Drinking water will undoubtedly restore radiance in your skin that it may be lacking after a few months in the bitter cold. It’s even been proven to prevent wrinkles! Try shopping for or DIY-ing a water bottle such as the one above to keep you motivated to up your water intake.

Now that you have all of these products and tricks up your sleeve, dry skin should stand no chance against you this winter season. Go out there, show the dropping temperatures who’s boss, and flaunt great skin while doing it!

Grace McAllister

CU Boulder '22

I'm Grace McAllister and I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm so excited to be a Freshman at CU Boulder this year! I'm planning on studying Marketing in the School of Business and I'm considering a minor in advertising or journalism. I'm really passionate about all things CU, makeup, netflix, dogs, fitness, and of course food. I'm so excited to spend this chapter of my life at CU Boulder and in the Her Campus Community!
Sko Buffs!