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Fun and Unique Ways to Celebrate this Halloweekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

I sometimes feel as if my college experience is like one of those movies where they’re trapped in the same day. Every week I take the same walk to class, see the same people, and do insane amounts of homework. Every weekend I go to the same bars, order the same drink, and dance to the same music to let loose from the week. And then, I do it all again. With Halloweekend quickly approaching, I wanted this weekend to feel special. A holiday is something to celebrate, and I am tired of celebrating the same way I do every weekend. If you’re also bored of the college scene, here is a list of alternative ways to celebrate Halloween (and none of them include a frat’s basement). 

Go camping

This year, my roommates and I are driving to Moab to spend Halloween in the desert! We can’t wait to get out of Boulder and celebrate this holiday weekend away from the party scene. While we still fully plan on dressing up, we’ll be taking a non-traditional route to enjoying Halloweekend in college. 

Go home

I’ve always loved handing out candy with my parents. I get to see all the kids I used to babysit in full costume, watch movies in between visitors, and feel completely happy and safe on the spookiest night of the year. When in doubt, put on some cat ears and pass out some mini chocolate bars in your childhood neighborhood!

Host a Halloween slumber party

Anna Schultz-Friends Laughing In Holiday Pajamas
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Have a few of your closest friends over for a slumber party! Throw on your favorite Halloween movie, make yummy, spooky snacks, and tell your friends to bring a Halloween-themed drink. Take some cute photos, tell (dating) horror stories, and get cozy with your favorite people. You can even wear comfy Halloween costumes! 

Have a bonfire

Here is another way to host an intimate gathering while still in the Halloween spirit! Get some marshmallows and tell some spooky stories around the fire with your friends. You could even carve pumpkins before the sun goes down, or set up a projector in the backyard! I always prefer a small group to a party, and this is a perfect mix of the two. 

Go to a haunted house or historically haunted location

Nothing screams Halloween like a haunted house! Get a bunch of friends, grab some fun dinner on the way, and get spooked! If you don’t love jump scares, make a list of the most haunted places in Boulder, and hit them all in one night. This is a really fun way to get into the spirit without the hassle of planning your party night. 

Organize a scavenger hunt on campus

While this one may take a little bit more effort and planning, this could be another awesome Halloween event. You could set it up like adult trick-or-treating! Have your friends hide candy, gifts, costume pieces, etc. all around campus and write fun and creative clues to kick off a hunt! Get started on this one early so you can have fun stress-free on Halloween!

Go bowling/roller skating/mini-golfing in costume 

This is by far my favorite idea! If you’re staying local, there are so many ways to stay goofy and fun on Halloween. I love doing the activities I loved as a little kid, but as an adult and with my friends. To keep it in the spirit of Halloween, throw on a costume and enjoy the night in character. I always love to add dinner or drinks to the event, but these are undoubtedly a blast on their own! 

There are so many ways to think out of the box to make holiday weekends special. While I love going to college and seeing friends out on the town, it’s also nice to take a break from the party scene and see what your area has to offer beyond your practiced weekend routine! Please have a safe and spooky Halloween, I hope you try some of these partying alternatives!

Alia Davis

CU Boulder '23

Alia is the Director of Outreach and a contributing writer at Her Campus CU Boulder. She is a fourth year student majoring in International Affairs and Anthropology. When she isn't writing articles, she can typically be spotted on a run, watching sad films, or re-reading Dune.