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Cozy Fall-Themed Date Ideas For You and Your Boo

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

It is finally fall, and if you love the season like I do, you’re probably super excited about the changing leaves and spooky decor. However, another awesome part about fall is planning cute fall-themed dates for you and your significant other. Here I have compiled a list of cozy, spooky date ideas if you’re looking for a sweet way to trick-or-treat your boo this season. 

  1. Scary Movie Marathon

What better way to get ready for spooky season than with a scary movie marathon with your boo? Bring out the classics like “Halloween” or “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, or opt for some of the newer frightening flicks. Or, if you aren’t an enjoyer of scary things, check out the more lighthearted options such as “Hocus Pocus” or “Halloweentown”. Whatever you choose, be sure to grab some Halloween candy, some warm drinks, and, if you’re extra like me, maybe some cozy matching PJ pants for you and yours. If you and your partner are long-distance, do not fret! Online applications like Teleparty (Chrome Web Store) allow you to sign into different streaming services to watch along with your s/o!

  1. Spooky Photo-Shoot

If you love taking photos with your significant other, why not make it fall-themed? Use white sheets and some sunglasses to turn into ghosts, or carve a pumpkin big enough for your head and be a jack-o’-lantern. This is one I actually tried with some friends in high school, way back in sophomore year, and it was tons of fun, especially if you can find a funky place to take the pictures—we took ours on railroad tracks!

  1. Go to a Pumpkin Patch

I don’t know about you, but for me, going to the pumpkin patch as a kid with my family was something I looked forward to very much. So why not go with your s/o? You can pick out cute pumpkins to paint or carve, take some cute photos, and maybe even do a corn maze or a hayride. Plus, if you go during the daytime, you can follow up your amazing day with some spooky movies before bed.

  1. Take a Drive and Check Out All the Halloween Decorations

During Christmastime, I love looking at all the festive lights people put up in their yards. What’s arguably even better, though, is looking at the spooky decorations they have during Halloween time. If you’re looking for a low-key date for you and your spooky someone, put on some cozy sweaters and hop in the car to tour the neighborhood festivities. Bonus points if you bring blankets and maybe even some fall-themed treats from Starbucks!

  1. Boo Baskets

This is a thing that I’ve been hearing about a lot recently, and I think it’s possibly the cutest thing ever. A boo basket is simply a little treat basket filled with cute fall or Halloween-themed items for your s/o. You can keep it simple or be as creative as you want, and it’s such a sweet way to let them know you’re thinking of them. 

  1. Bake Some Fall-Themed Treats

Everyone knows the Pillsbury sugar cookies that come out around Halloween time with the pumpkins and ghosts and black cats. Pick up a pack at your local Target, throw ‘em in the oven, and you’ve got some sweet treats to enjoy with your sweetheart. Or, if you want to go the fancy route, make something from scratch, like pumpkin pie or apple fritters. Nothing gets me in the fall mood like a good sweet treat, and baking is a perfect date activity for those chilly nights. 

  1. Go to a Local Bookshop For Some Spooky Reads

I love to read, and if you’re looking to branch out into different genres, spooky season is the perfect time to try out some horror or thriller reads! Make it a reading date, choose books for each other, or make it a game and pick out books with your s/o, and whoever can find the spookiest line wins a point. Then, whoever wins buys autumn-themed drinks/snacks! 

These are just a few fun ideas to make this spooky season warm and cozy for you and your boo. However you choose to spend it, be sure to treat yourself with kindness as it gets colder out, and enjoy those changing leaves!

Lauren Wafford is a member of the Her Campus at CU chapter, writing articles about her favorite topics since the spring semester of her freshman year. Beyond HerCampus, Lauren is an Integrative Physiology major at the University of Colorado Boulder, working on an English Literature minor. In her free time, Lauren enjoys playing field hockey on the school club team, playing with her cat Nox, and reading fantasy and YA books.