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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

We’re halfway through the semester, and that means midterms, burnout, and just overall exhaustion. For an avid reader like myself, this time of year always gets me in a reading slump. Here are the books that never fail to get me out of my slump.

The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde

This is by far my favorite novel of all time. I love the aesthetic of Oscar Wilde’s writing. The words on the page become vivid images—it’s as if I’m there with them. The characters are so unique and compelling; Dorian is troubled and beautiful, Lord Henry is cunning and philosophical, and Basil is tender and vulnerable.  I also love the complexity of the plot. Each time I read The Picture of Dorian Gray, I discover something new.

(Check out My Favorite Classic Novels for New Readers for more about this book)

The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A staple of my childhood, The Little Prince is short and sweet and filled with lessons which have shaped the way I view the world. As a little kid, I loved the fun adventures the Little Prince had. As a young adult, I love the wisdom embedded in his innocence. My favorite chapter has to be when he meets the fox on Earth—I learned so much about love and tenderness through their interactions. 


Mile High – Liz Tomforde

I was giddy reading this whole book. I am a sucker for cheesy romances, and Mile High is the best I’ve read so far. The play-boy-turned-love-sick-puppy is a cliché for a reason, and this book makes it more vulnerable and complex while still giving the reader exactly what they want: a love story.

I read this whole series in less than a week, and I can’t wait for book four to come out in July of this year. 

I love happy-ending romances, and every book of the series delivers. They make me gush with their cuteness, and they have just the right amount of drama to keep things interesting. Liz Tomforde’s characters are flawed and they make mistakes, but that just makes me love them more. They work for their happy endings and that makes it all the more enjoyable. 

The key to getting out of a reading slump is reading something that brings you joy—whatever that looks like for you. It can be a classic about a mutating portrait or a contemporary romance about an athlete who gives up his playboy ways for his sassy flight attendant.

Mariana Bastias

CU Boulder '25

Mariana Bastías is a senior at CU Boulder and the current Chapter President for Her Campus CU Boulder. Her articles will range from profiles to movie and book reviews to current events to her own experiences. Mariana is double majoring in Creative Writing and Psychology, with a minor in Business. As an aspiring novelist and poet, she has published a short story, "Midnight Adventures", and a poem, "The Deep," in Meridian Creative Arts Journal in their 50th and 52nd editions. Whenever she can, Mariana likes to curl up with a book and a cup of tea and read the afternoon away. Her favorite novel is “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde, and she always pairs it with a cup of Earl Gray. Mariana is also an avid coffee drinker; as a professional and at-home barista, she’ll experiment with flavors and roasts. As a writer, Mariana loves filling notebooks with stories, poems, and observations of the world around her, as well as ideas for future articles.