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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Like most high school seniors applying to college, I did a lot of research on the schools I was applying to and on college in general. As part of that research, I looked up colleges on YouTube and found out more about the school by watching a YouTube vlogger that went to that school. After hours of watching college move-in day and week-in-my-life vlogs and college advice videos, I found certain YouTubers that I actually really like. These channels helped me get a better insight into college, and their videos were super entertaining. Plus, I loved being able to follow along on their college journey. Take a look at them for yourself:

Margot Lee

A junior at Syracuse University, Margot Lee, documents not only her college life but does a variety of other videos. Her aesthetically pleasing editing style makes you want to keep watching her videos and make her videos very unique from the typical college YouTuber. Her college vlogs have a lot of montage style footage that is pleasing to watch, but she also has plenty of advice videos in general. Must watch video: DAY IN MY LIFE AT SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY (game day).


Arlin Moore

Arlin Moore is one of the few guy college YouTubers, and his videos are great for incoming college students and current students alike. He has a plethora of fun college vlogs, like day in the lives that don’t leave anything out. He also does a lot of advice videos that can help any college student out. The advice videos range from videos that give tips on how to deal with anxiety to funny drunk college Q&A videos. Give his videos a watch if you are looking for college advice or a fun college vlog! Must watch video: DRUNK COLLEGE ADVICE!!! 2018 Q&A.


Danielle Marie Carolan

Danielle Marie Carolan’s college videos of her days at the University of Georgia are binge-worthy and do a great job of giving us a true glimpse into a college student’s life. Her fun personality makes her videos so entertaining to watch, and she makes sure to include all aspects of her college life into them. By the time you are done watching her freshman year week in the lives, you will feel like you are a part of her friend group. Must watch video: college advice from me & my hall mates | college q&a.


Tasha Farsaci

Tasha Farsaci is a student at the University of Southern California and documents a large part of her life at college and beyond. She has a wide array of college videos: story times, day-in-the-life, college advice, and question and answer videos. She is her true, honest self in her videos and tells the good and the bad. Tasha also has a lot of fashion and beauty-related videos for when you need a break from the college vlogs. Must watch video: COLLEGE WEEK IN MY LIFE | Tasha Farsaci

Vyla Carter

CU Boulder '22

Vyla is currently studying journalism as a first-year student in the College of Media, Communications and Information at the University of Colorado Boulder. Hoping to pursue a career in photojournalism, Vyla can almost always be found with a camera and an idea for what she is going to shoot next. Outside of the classroom, she is a member of the CU Boulder equestrian team and rides horses competitively. Vyla is also a photographer for the CU Independent and is looking forward to her first year of college as a new member of the Her Campus gang!
Sko Buffs!