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16 Ways to Simply Enrich Your Human Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.
  1. Be willing to lift others up as you rise, as you work to improve yourself you are allowing space  for others to improve who they are.

  2. Being human is often a very complicated and messy affair, to exist is to hurt, to experience some form of pain, physical, mental, emotion, is as human as to breath, so is healing. Your body heals itself, your soul will heal, your mind will heal, your happiness will always come back to you.  Never doubt these as fundamental parts of the human experience.

  3. There is nothing in existence within nature that blooms all year long, so do not expect that of yourself.

  4. Remember that this planet is carrying you, not the other way around. Take the weight that has you pinned to the ground and give it to the earth, it is here to nourish you, to breathe life into your lungs, to take in what you put out and make things new. Let the world hold you.

  5. Your friends are supposed to make you feel good about yourself. Unapologetically, swiftly, violently, and without remorse, cleanse your life of anyone who makes you feel  stupid, unwanted, small, humiliated or worthless. Do not spend your life with anyone who makes you feel like you are anything less than a galaxy holding a million stars in your heart.

  6. Learn to forgive everyone, if not for their sake do it for yours. Forgiveness is a gift you bestow on yourself, forgiveness allows you to have peace. Also learn that not everyone is worthy of your trust.

  7. You can not love someone’s mental illness away, and just because someone doesn’t love you like you think they should doesn’t mean they don’t love you with everything they have.

  8. Realize that people’s opinion of the world is a reflection of their character.

  9. Try to become a better version of yourself every day, maybe that means doing an extra 10 crunches, maybe that means smiling at a stranger, maybe that means visiting the park to pet some dogs or make some art. No matter what it is find something everyday that fills your mind with light, and helps you grow.

  10. Drink water, drink water as soon as you wake up, drink water right before you fall asleep, drink water before and after every meal. Your skin, your metabolism, and your mind will thank you.

  11. Allow yourself to love who you are unapologetically without feeling ashamed. If you look in the mirror and feel that glow of self love, even if it’s just for a second, don’t you dare let yourself feel embarrassed by it. If you get recognized for academic success don’t just blow it off as what you’re supposed to be doing, rejoice in your knowledge. If you have personality characteristics that you are proud of, acknowledge them, enjoy them, be familiar with them.

  12. Explore, and by that I don’t mean travel the globe so you can post about it on instagram, I mean explore your life. Explore your local coffee shop, explore the face of the stranger sitting next to you, explore your mind, because it is limitless. No one has to ask how to motivate a child to be curious, a child will naturally explore everything within reach without restraint. Everything is new when you are excited to experience it. This tendency is not unattainable, it does not die, it is wiped out. You can paint over it but it is still there, so rediscover it.

  13. Never say you are bored. You have absolutely no reason to feel bored. The world around you is endless, and beyond that the universe that exists inside your mind has no limit. You can imagine absolutely anything, and that’s just you. There is human life easily accessible to you, probably just a few feet away. When you take a break from exploring the vastness of your mind explore someone else’s. You have no reason to be bored.

  14. Do NOT skip out on experiences because of your feelings about your body. What if one day you wake up and realize for so many years you didn’t let yourself go swimming in the ocean because you have jiggly thighs or you didn’t let your body submerge in warm pools because you have a squishy tummy. What if you wake up one day and realize you didn’t let yourself live a silly, creative, imaginative, limitless life because you were aching so badly for unattainable perfection. That is going to break your heart more than anything else ever could, so don’t let it happen.

  15. Take your fear and turn it into action. Afraid of what other people think? Redirect that fear into energy you can put into becoming who you want to be, for yourself, not for others. Afraid of failing at a really big opportunity? Redirect that fear into energy you can put into what will make you successful. Afraid of heartbreak? Redirect that fear into energy you can use to experience the happiness that is sitting right in front of you, feeling it and letting it break your heart is better than feeling nothing at all.

  16. When you find yourself feeling secure and content with your life, change it. You can not grow without adversity, without challenges and new experiences. You can not grow by feeling comfortable. Force yourself to grow by endlessly pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. Learn how to reinvent yourself, and do it often.

Lauren is currently majoring in Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences and minoring in Business in the Leeds School of Business, Leadership in the LSM Program, and Women and Gender Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of Colorado Boulder. On campus Lauren currently holds the position of Her Campus CU Boulder's Chapter President and Campus Correspondent. She also acts as an Aerie Real on campus ambassador, held the position of  Victoria's Secret PINK Campus Rep for CU for the previous two years, and acts as the social media chairman and event coordinator for the PSICHI Psychology Honors Club within CU's Psychology department.  Outside of school Lauren founded and owns Empyreal Photography. When she's not looking through a camera lens or somewhere drinking chai, you can probably find her in a yoga class, petting a dog, or daydreaming about New York City.  
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Maddi Harris

CU Boulder

Maddi Harris is currently a Sophomore Public Relations major at the Univeristy of Colorado-Boulder. Growing up in New Jersey, her move across the country to Colorado for school has taught Maddi to appreciate the little things about her home state- mainly being the food that is made there. When she's not making use of the beautiful terrain that Colorado has to offer, she can be found decked out in black & gold supporting her fellow buffs on gamedays. In her free time she enjoys catching up on Perez Hilton's daily articles and obsessing over the different wedding dresses featured on TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress."