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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cornell chapter.

Ithaca can be pretty dreary during the winter, but it can also be such an exciting and gorgeous place to have fun with your friends and build snowball forts. The senior editor and executive board team here at Her Campus Cornell have curated three ways to fully take advantage of Cornell snow, with varying class years (freshman to senior status) weighing in on the topic.

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1. Dress Appropriately

As temperatures drop, it is essential to keep warm and dress appropriately. What might this look like? Perhaps snow pants, if sledding, a long jacket with insulation, gloves, an umbrella (smart to keep in your bag always!), as well as a pair of trusty snow boots. These essentials will keep you warm and ready to have a great time. Be sure to consult the weather app prior to choosing your outfit of the day (a major hack from CC Jessica!)

2. (Safely) Purchase or Make A Makeshift Sled

Sledding can be so fun, but it is incredibly important to do so safely and with precaution. If you decide to sled down the Slope, be sure to purchase or make a makeshift sled. A makeshift sled could be a lunch tray, sturdy box, or folded down cardboard. These are some ideas but we would love to hear what you think! To reiterate, it is also essential to sled safely!

3. Get Hot Cocoa at Libe Café (at the top of the Slope!)

After a hard day of sledding, finishing off with a Hot Cocoa at Libe is a delicious way to make the most of the cold weather. Be sure to add extra whipped cream and take advantage of the beautiful panoramic views (with the snow!) to be seen by the glass Café windows!

4. Take a Hot Shower

How often do we have time to take nice, long, hot, everything shower? This could be your perfect opportunity! It is also an awesome way to keep warm and potentially use holiday-scented products you’ve been meaning to try.

5. Catch-Up on Some Studying or (Catch-Up on Z’s!)

Snow days at Cornell are fantastic opportunity to catch up on your studies or potentially sleep-in and reap the benefits of no morning classes! Also, not many things compare to waking up with beautiful snow at your window!

Thank you for reading our article and we would love to hear your thoughts! Keep the conversation going by connecting with Her Campus at Cornell on social media and we look forward to your next read.

Hi, I'm Jessica (she/her)! I'm a sophomore Human Development student at Cornell and the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Cornell! I love running, barista-ing at Libe Cafe, and reading in my free time :)
Hi, I’m Amanda! I’m a sophomore transfer student at Cornell majoring in Human Development on a pre-med track. I went to Binghamton University my freshman year and I have been involved in biomedical engineering research for a while now. I also serve as the Senior Editor for Her Campus at Cornell. In my free time, I love baking, shopping, trivia, podcasts, woodworking, and taekwondo.