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How To Look Busy While You Procrastinate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cornell chapter.


Now that spring weather is finally here, all anyone wants to do is enjoy life and be outside, but of course it’s crunch time in classes, which means one thing: the great migration to the library.

No one wants to be that kid obviously slacking off in the library during finals season, so take your pick of something entertaining to focus on on your computer. Here are some ways to sneakily procrastinate while still looking busy enough to be “studying for finals.”

  • Visit sites like I Waste So Much Time, This Is Why I’m Broke (the website for the most random creations you could imagine) and Unplug the TV

  • Watch random videos or GIFs, like this video of a dog licking your screen clean.

  • Play games like Solitaire, Red Beard, Words With Friends and Tetris Online. Need I say more?

  • Play episode roulette with something like Gossip Girl, because you’ve definitely seen all of the episodes before. Episode Generator will pick a random episode from most popular TV shows for you to watch.

  • Order random things from Amazon Prime, because who doesn’t love 2 day shipping of anything and everything?

  • Last, but definitely not least, the always reliable Netflix has plenty of options for shows and movies you would rather watch than study.

And if you want to be the ultimate procrastinator, you’ll be sure to do everything!


I'm a sophomore at Cornell University interested in fashion, journalism and the overlap between business and creativity. I'm from Connecticut, London and now Boston, but my answer always depends on who's asking and how much time they have. My main areas of interest when I have free time include Netflix, street style, baby animal videos/gifs, and food (both eating and taking pictures of it).
Elizabeth Li

Cornell '19

Junior at Cornell University and President/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Cornell