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5 Reasons Your Daily Walk Up Libe Slope is Actually Good

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cornell chapter.

1. You can eat more food

Everyone knows the food on West Campus amazing, so you’re probably going to want to eat a lot of it. The other day, I got a whole plate of desserts and didn’t feel guilty because I knew I would burn it all off on my twice daily walks up Libe Slope!

2. No need to buy a gym membership

College is already expensive, and adding a $159 gym membership on top of that is a lot. Luckily, if you live on West Campus, Libe Slope provides a great and free alternative to the gym. Walking up the slope carrying your backpack is an excellent cardio workout, and your legs will be toned in no time.

3. The view

Walking up and down Libe Slope gives you one of the best views on campus, and you just happen to be lucky enough to see that view every day, probably multiple times a day. You can’t help but look at the beautiful mountains and Cayuga Lake as you trudge up the hill each day.

4. No more coffee

Who needs caffeine when you walk up the slope every morning? You don’t have to worry about falling asleep in your 8 AM, because walking up the slope is exactly the rigorous exercise you need to make you alert and ready for the day.

5. You won’t get too cold in the winter

It was 57° F on a recent morning, and I was still super hot after having walked up the slope. This bodes well for the frigid winters in Ithaca; surely walking up the hill will keep you warmer than even your puffiest winter jacket can.

Keep trudging up that slope, Cornellians!


Asian Studies major who enjoys horseback riding, crochet, singing, and musical theater. Passionate about public service and addressing economic inequality and women's, LGBTQ+ and minority rights.
Elizabeth Li

Cornell '19

Junior at Cornell University and President/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Cornell