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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

I might be a bit late to the Pride & Prejudice fan club (I only read the book last summer and watched the movie a week ago), but let me tell you I am a proud member of the club. When the movie adaptation was added to Netflix, I was so excited. I thought I would finally get around to watching it. But then I became too busy preparing for my first semester of college and time got away from me. I ended up Netflix-Partying the movie with some new college friends one night, and it was a lot of fun. I highly recommend choosing Pride & Prejudice for your next Netflix Party!

The Cinematography

Pride & Prejudice has great cinematography that makes the movie feel so much more magical while adding to the romance. One scene in particular that is so well done is the scene where Elizabeth Bennett, Kiera Knightly, is swinging on a swing. The focus alternates from Elizabeth’s face to her surroundings spinning around her. The beautiful scenery becomes even more whimsical when it is spinning. Another amazing scene that is beautifully filmed is when Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy run into each other in the rain (I don’t want to spoil it completely for those who haven’t seen it, but the dialogue in this scene is also amazing).  The rain adds to the already atmospheric scene, creating more tension and drama. All of the scenes in the movie are so well done, but these two in particular are my favorites. I could rewatch them over and over again and still feel all the feels.


The Soundtrack


The beautiful cinematography is accompanied by a fantastic soundtrack. The instrumental songs are perfectly timed with the drama and emotions of the characters. The music adds an extra layer of depth to the film, increasing the emotional experience for the viewer. One of my friends who I watched the movie with loves the soundtrack so much that she listens to it when studying. If you watch the movie, you will see where she is coming from. The soundtrack is wonderful as a backdrop to the movie and just as standalone music for studying or dancing around your dorm room imagining you are in the arms of your Mr. Darcy.


The Acting

In Pride & Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet is played by Keira Knightley and Mr. Darcy is played by Matthew Macfayden. Both of these actors portray their respective complex characters with few flaws. In regency romances like Pride & Prejudice, much of the romance is developed through the small moments. A glance across the ballroom and a brush of a hand portrays so much romantic tension. A significant portion of the romance is built through facial expressions exchanged through the actors, making the viewer stay on the edge of their seat for the two characters to end up together. Also, a lot of the dialogue is long and witty, which can be poorly executed, but Knightley and Macfayden exchange long spouts of witty, Jane Austen dialogue seamlessly throughout the movie.


The Romance

Of course, I have to mention the swoon-worthy romance. Pride & Prejudice is one of the most iconic love stories of all time. This film truly pays homage to the original novel by Jane Austen and does it justice. Although everyone knows Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth end up together, the movie still makes you feel the emotional rollercoaster as the two characters overcome their respective pride and prejudice. The final scene of their happy reunion will make you believe in true love.


If you haven’t watched Pride & Prejudice yet, go Netflix Party it with some friends! You won’t regret it.

Sarah Hennig

Conn Coll '24

Sarah Hennig is a junior at Conn who loves to read and write. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with her friends.
Her Campus Conn Coll