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This Week’s Campus Cutie: Tim Jarrett

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Campus Cutie alert… Tim Jarrett strolling around campus. A junior, this cutie is quite involved at Conn. When asked about Mr. Jarrett, one senior said, “He has a body of god.  Eyes of an ocean. And, a heart of a lion.” Poetic. 

Anyways, here is what the man of the hour had to say…

Hometown: Sudbury, Massachusetts
Major: Cellular and Molecular Biology
Dorm/Living: Ridge Numba 9

How are you involved on campus?
I was a tour guide last semester before being “laid off” because I missed 3 monthly meetings (the pats were playing).  I’m currently Social chair of the Class Council of the Class of 13 and am in the Golf Club.   
Describe yourself in one move title?
No Strings Attached
Favorite meal?
Harris? Beef stew
Moms? HOT jambalaya baby 
If you could be one celebrity who would it be and why?
Jason Segel, funniest guy out there.
If you could date one celebrity, who would it be?
 Hmmm, Taylor Swift
If you could time travel, where would you go?
Ancient Rome, they did it right.
3 things you can’t live with out?
Friends, laughs, and water.
What you looking most forward to in your senior year?
Making the most of it, not taking it too quick, meeting more new people and just enjoying the time I have left here. 
How do you feel about being this week’s campus cutie?
A little awkward, a little embarrassed, but generally excited 

Elyse Lebel is a senior at Connecticut College majoring in Psychology and Sociology. Studying abroad her spring semester in Copenhagen, Denmark, she loves to travel and learn about different cultures. As co-founder of the Her Campus branch at her school, Elyse has a strong passion and interest in writing, communications, and fashion. This summer, Elyse interned at Teen Voices, a non-profit magazine based in Boston, and is excited to continue to gain experience in online publication with the HC team!