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Valentine’s Day Care Packages

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.



Abigail Kulewicz shares with us Valentine’s Day Care Packages!

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, many people receive cards, candy, and care packages from loved ones.  For college students, care packages are always a great thing to receive,  and a good way to share what you got with your floor mates! 

I asked a few girls on Her Campus to write down three ideal items they would want in their package if they were to get one.  Let’s see what they have to say! 

Lulu Pajolek 

Lulu said that, if she were to get a Valentine’s Day care package, she would like a Starbucks gift card, candy, and nice lotion or makeup and nail polish. 


Jordan Thomas 

Jordan said that, if she were to get a Valentine’s Day care package, she would like Cute Dresses, Mix CDs, and a good light book, like Tina Fey’s Bossypants. 


Olivia Wilcox 

Olivia said that, if she were to get a Valentine’s Day care package, she would like chocolate, candy, or just food in general. 


Danielle Cyr 

Danielle said that, if she were to get a care package, she would like candy/chocolate (preferably Reese’s), maybe a gift card to a local restaurant or store, and fuzzy warm socks. 


Alheli Garza 

Alheli said that, if she were to get a Valentine’s Day care package, she would like  dark chocolate, Baked by Melissa cupcakes, and a good book.  


Hannah Feeney 

Hannah said that if she were to get a Valentines Day care package she would like Candy, Nail Polish, and Homemade cards.


Betinna Weiss 

“Every year my great aunt sends me a Valentine’s Day package. This year she included decorations for my room, a hand towel, socks, candy, and homemade cookies!  My mom also sent me one with a handmade scarf, a necklace, candy, and a festive headband.”


Leah Swinson 

“My mom is sending me a care package right now and, even though I haven’t received it yet, I know that it contains cold medicine, chocolate, and a cat-themed Valentine’s Day card.” 


Annie Husted 

“If I were to get three things in a Valentine’s Day care package, I would love dove chocolates (I love the little messages in the wrappers), Tazo Passion tea, and Valentine’s Day festive fuzzy socks.” 


Danielle is a sophomore at Connecticut College and is currently pursuing a double-major in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies. Danielle began writing for the Connecticut College branch of Her Campus in the fall of 2011 and will continue to write this year as Editor and Campus Correspondent. Danielle has traveled all over the world and continues her love for other cultures and languages through her studies. Besides traveling, she loves to sing and dance - especially as a member of Miss Connduct, an all-female A capella group at Connecticut College. In general, Danielle loves sushi, goats, traveling, and Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. She is thrilled to be working with Her Campus this year!