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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Welcome back to school! This semester seems pretty much like last semester because most of us are still taking online classes (Yay zoom university). It’s been some time since we’ve done school work because of the extended winter break we had this year. Especially now that everything’s online, it’s going to be quite an adjustment going back and doing school work again. It might be a little harder for some people to get back into the groove of school, so here are some tips that might help get you back on track!

1. Get back into a routine

Having a routine or schedule planned out is crucial for time management and allows you to use your time more efficiently. For some, having a routine helps them do work better because they feel like they are using their time more productively. Use websites like freecollegeschedulemaker to plan out your week, which allows you to plan when your classes are, work schedule, work out time, and much more. So get planning!

2. Wake up Earlier 

I know everyone wants to sleep in and wake up 10 minutes before class starts. But when you wake up 10 min before class starts, you’ll probably feel half asleep and will not be able to pick up or retain any of the information that the professor gives out, which leads to falling behind in class. Waking up an hour before to get breakfast helps you feel more awake, especially since we have to walk to Harris for breakfast. Plus, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

3. Get Ready 

Even though you will probably just have online class with the camera on, people will still be looking at you when you talk in class. Some people might feel more productive when they get ready in the morning. Little things, like putting on a presentable shirt or a little makeup discourages one from going back to bed after class. Looking presentable also shows respect for the professor in some cases.

4. Find your study location 

Everyone has their own environment where they learn best. Some people prefer to work around their friends in a loud environment, while others completely isolate themselves from everyone in a quiet area. Finding a space when you can be productive is really important since we will be doing so much work by ourselves due to social distancing. Working in a dorm room might not work for everybody, so go out and find your studying space while staying safe!

5. Turn your phone or computer on ‘do not disturb’ to avoid distractions

To avoid distractions and focus in class, turn your phone and computer on ‘do not disturb’ or on airplane mood. So, when your friend texts you while you are in class, your phone will not notify you and will reject all calls and text messages, which allows you to focus more in class.

6. Take a break and go for a walk

We all need a break, especially after sitting in front of the computer for hours at a time. During the afternoon, when there is a 30-minute break between classes go for a walk, or make yourself a drink. It will help relieve some stress and allows you to go to the next class with a fresh, clear mind.


Jasmine Li

Conn Coll '22

Student at Connecticut College double majoring in Economics and East Asian Studies
Her Campus Conn Coll