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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.


As I’m sure you already know, this Saturday’s Cro dance theme, hosted by SAC, is “Thrift Store.” I was really excited when I heard about this unique theme – it’s easy to throw together, fun, and totally different from other Cro dances we’ve had this year. It also seems much more open to interpretation. As this theme has come up in conversation a few times over the past week, I realized that the idea of a thrift store theme can be overwhelming to the less Salvo-savvy camels out there. Thus, out of the goodness of my Hawaiian shirt and ugly sweater loving heart, I have put together a few guidelines for those of you who may not be quite sure how to roll with this theme.

1. Pick a decade, any decade.

The thing about thrift stores is that they sell used stuff, and that stuff is usually, you guessed it…old. Picking a decade and sticking with it is a great way to pare down the broader theme and still get an authentic thrift store feel.

2. Ugly sweaters

Dust off that Christmas sweater, it’s all you’ll need as the finishing touch on your thrifty outfit.

3. Prints

Decades bygone were all about prints, it seems. Often, walking into a Goodwill it takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the blaring visual cacophony of floral/plain/stripes/gingham/zigzag. For the purposes of this dance, I would say that as far as prints go, the more the merrier (not that this applies to quantity as well as quality… take it as you will).

4. Canadian tuxedo.

If the above three options still have you quizzical, I leave you with this: put on every type of denim garment you own and call it a night, my friend.

Happy thrifting!


Her Campus Conn Coll