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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

I voted absentee using a mail-in ballot! I live in New Hampshire, and since Connecticut is very solidly blue and New Hampshire is traditionally more of a battleground, I wanted my vote to count there, as I voted blue down the ballot. I am 21, so I had previously voted in the 2022 midterms, some primaries, and some local elections, but this was my first time voting in a presidential election. I requested my ballot nice and early and made sure to send it back with plenty of notice to make sure it would be counted. I am very nervous, in all honesty, about the turnout of this election, and there are things I would like to push and hold Kamala Harris accountable for if she is elected, but I was still very glad to cast my vote for the Harris-Walz ticket, and I am not afraid to say it. In my mind, as a queer disabled woman, there was no other viable choice for the sake of my rights or those of other marginalized communities. I am very glad to have been able to vote and use my voice! 

  • Caroline Snyder ‘26

I voted last year in my local election, but this was my first time voting in a presidential race! I was so excited to make my voice heard in such an important election. I voted last week in my hometown through early voting. Last year, I used a mail-in ballot, so it was interesting to have the in-person experience this time. I thought my town had an effective set up, and the line was very minimal (we got lucky). My mom went with me, which was super fun because it was our first time voting together! We obviously got a selfie after with our “I voted” stickers. 💙

  • Allie Ziegler ‘27

Similar to a lot of college students, this was my first time voting in a presidential election. Since I live in New York, I opted to vote via absentee ballot. Although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious about the results of this election, no matter what the future holds, I find deep comfort in the community I have found here at Connecticut College, and I still have confidence in our ability to continue fighting for the policies and freedoms that we care so deeply about.

  • Tessa Stayton ‘25 

This was my first time voting because I recently turned 18! I voted by mail and made sure to send it more than two weeks ahead of time so it would for sure be counted. It felt so empowering to be able to make my voice heard in the federal election. I’m disappointed with the outcome of this election, but this is not the end of using our voices for meaningful change. It can be difficult to keep holding on to hope when there are instances like this when it fails us, but this doesn’t mean that we should ever lose sight of it, for it fuels our voice and power. 💙

  • Shannon Brock ‘28
Allie (she/her) is a sophomore at Connecticut College studying Theater and Educational Studies. She is currently the Vice President of Conn Coll's Her Campus Chapter, as well as the marketing director for Wig & Candle, Conn's student-run theater club. She also participates in Student Activities Council and works at the Office of Admission as an Admission Ambassador. In her free time, she loves reading, crocheting, listening to music, and hanging out with friends!
Shannon Brock

Conn Coll '28

Hi, I'm Shannon! I'm from Newburyport, Massachusetts and I'm a first-year at Connecticut College. I'm a prospective English major because I've always loved reading and writing in many forms. I was an intern for my creative writing teacher in my senior year of high school. One of my main responsibilities for this role was being the co-editor of my school's poetry magazine, called Poetry Soup Magazine. I've also written for The College Voice. I spend a lot of time reading contemporary fiction and poetry books. I greatly enjoy keeping a journal, filled with lots of poetry and mindfulness exercises. I love going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and going for walks in the Arbo!
Tessa Stayton

Conn Coll '25

Hi! My name is Tessa, and I'm currently the senior editor for Connecticut College's chapter of Her Campus! Here at Conn, I'm double majoring in English and Classics, and I also work as an RA. I'm very passionate about literature, so be on the lookout for future book reviews and recommendations! :)
Hi! I'm Caroline-- Her Campus Conn Coll's current president! I'm a junior English and Environmental Studies double major with a passion for writing! In addition to working with Her Campus, I am the co-captain of our college's Equestrian Team, aid in peer education for the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy on campus, and work in the college's archives! I also love reading, working out, dinosaurs, and being outdoors!