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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Iā€™m very grateful to have the opportunity to travel home for Thanksgiving break! Iā€™m planning to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. On Thanksgiving itself, weā€™ll be feasting with my extended family in Long Island, NY. This weekend is also my Dadā€™s birthday! Weā€™re going to celebrate by cutting down our Christmas tree, going out to dinner, and seeing Wicked in theaters (the only screening that had tickets available is at 10 PM, so hopefully Iā€™ll be able to stay awake for the whole movie). Iā€™m looking forward to seeing my loved ones and having some time to relax and catch up on work. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and break!

  • Allie Ziegler ā€˜27

I was lucky to have been able to go home to New Hampshire for Thanksgiving break! I spent time with family, spent a lot of time with my cat on my lap, and spent a little too much money on Black Friday. I also drew a lot, as I love drawing for fun! Thanksgiving was, to be totally honest, bittersweet this year, as I lost a family member a month or so before, but it was still good to see everyone and be able to celebrate his life. I canā€™t say I got as much work done as I had plannedā€¦ but how could I go get my laptop with a cat on my lap? Canā€™t just move himā€¦ thatā€™s a crime.Ā 

  • Caroline Snyder, ā€˜26

Iā€™m so happy that I was able to go home for Thanksgiving break, as I missed my family, boyfriend, and hometown friends. My friends and I had Friendsgiving at a restaurant thatā€™s literally the GOAT, as thatā€™s what itā€™s called, and devoured two dollar wing baskets. I hadnā€™t seen them since we departed to go to separate colleges, and it was so fun catching up! My boyfriend and I went Black Friday shopping and made lego figurines of each other. Of course, mini me ended up having fairy wings and mini him ended up having a croissant. My family and I started Christmas festivities, too! We got the perfect tree and decorated it with ornaments (weā€™ve had many of them for years, so itā€™s very nostalgic going through all of them). Itā€™s hard transitioning from break to finals time, but our month-long holiday break is right around the corner! Hang in there!

  • Shannon Brock, ā€˜28
Allie (she/her) is a sophomore at Connecticut College studying Theater and Educational Studies. She is currently the Vice President of Conn Coll's Her Campus Chapter, as well as the marketing director for Wig & Candle, Conn's student-run theater club. She also participates in Student Activities Council and works at the Office of Admission as an Admission Ambassador. In her free time, she loves reading, crocheting, listening to music, and hanging out with friends!
Shannon Brock

Conn Coll '28

Hi, I'm Shannon! I'm from Newburyport, Massachusetts and I'm a first-year at Connecticut College. I'm a prospective English major because I've always loved reading and writing in many forms. I was an intern for my creative writing teacher in my senior year of high school. One of my main responsibilities for this role was being the co-editor of my school's poetry magazine, called Poetry Soup Magazine. I've also written for The College Voice. I spend a lot of time reading contemporary fiction and poetry books. I greatly enjoy keeping a journal, filled with lots of poetry and mindfulness exercises. I love going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and going for walks in the Arbo!
Hi! I'm Caroline-- Her Campus Conn Coll's current president! I'm a junior English and Environmental Studies double major with a passion for writing! In addition to working with Her Campus, I am the co-captain of our college's Equestrian Team, aid in peer education for the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy on campus, and work in the college's archives! I also love reading, working out, dinosaurs, and being outdoors!