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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

People are usually quick to point out the red flags of others, so we’re taking the time to reflect upon ours. Here are some of our individual red flags, most of which we are not sorry for:

My friends often say that I act too millennial for my age, so I would consider that my red flag. I’m the type of person to crack up at some dog TikTok that a millennial clearly made and emulate the late 20’s “don’t talk to me until I have my coffee, it’s so hard to do adulting” attitude. Unfortunately, wanting to go to bed early every weekday, talk about which books I’m reading, and rant about how anyone born after 2001 was raised on too much technology and social media make me seem like I’m 10 years older than I am. 

By the way, here’s my favorite millennial dog account: @makoandkonasmom 

A warning sign that I keep an eye out for is someone using the laughing crying emoji WAY too much, like I think only middle schoolers or parents are normal for using those. Finally, thinking that every movie has to be a brilliant Oscar worthy film and not seeing that some movies don’t need to be perfect and are just fun and entertaining is definitely a red flag. 

  • Maria Sell ‘23 

A personal red flag of mine is that I will talk in a British accent whenever the opportunity arises (and even when the opportunity does not arise). I go into this accent many times a day, to the point where it is no longer funny. Not to mention that this attempt at a British accent is extremely incorrect and does not properly highlight any specific UK dialects. I have thought of pretending to be British when going into a restaurant or answering a phone call numerous times, but luckily have been too embarrassed to follow through. This reg flag is unfortunately an impulse that I cannot control, but hopefully I will learn to in the future. So, if you hear a girl from Connecticut talking stereotypically about tea and crumpets, look in the other direction! 

  • Katie Madow ‘25

A red flag of mine that my friends constantly point out is that I am an Apple Music user. While I do not necessarily see this as a red flag–I am on my family’s Apple Music family plan so why wouldn’t I use it–my friends love to make fun of me for it. They can never share their playlists with me, or see what I am listening to, and I can’t post a Spotify wrap-up at the end of the year.  Apple Music may not be what all the cool kids are using, but I will defend this red flag by arguing that it is not worth it for me to pay for Spotify when I can use Apple Music for free. I think that this reasoning justifies my red flag.

  • Sarah Hennig ‘24

I’ve been told that a red flag of mine is that I get most of my life advice from an Italian Greyhound/Chihuahua mix on Instagram named Boobie Billie. While I would absolutely not consider this a red flag, here is why some people do: Boobie is a lover of the word “gorgina” which means trendy, hot, and stylish. This word has been permanently added into my vocabulary and is used on the daily. Additionally, Boobie is a dog and, unfortunately, tends not to give the most relevant life advice. Regardless of this, I take it to the heart and love to follow her pro-self care agenda. Finally, as we know, Boobie is part Chihuahua and while I am a LOVER of dogs, small dogs (and Chihuahuas in particular) are a huge red flag. Nevertheless, I recommend everyone follow Boobie on Instagram! @boobie_billie

  • Marina Jacob ‘25

My biggest red flag, at the moment, is sending Fletcher from the Disney Channel hit show Ant Farm reaction memes to the group chat instead of actual text. Everyone has seen the bounty of hilarious screen grabs from an interview with the child actor, and the photos never fail to crack me up. My camera roll is full of them, ready to be sent out at any given moment. My friends may be starting to get pretty annoyed by it, but I find each reaction to say more than I could ever convey in words. 

  • Lara Beckius ‘24
Sarah Hennig

Conn Coll '24

Sarah Hennig is a junior at Conn who loves to read and write. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with her friends.
Maria Sell

Conn Coll '23

Maria (she/her/hers) is a senior at Connecticut College studying American Studies and Sociology and is from the San Francisco Bay Area. She loves getting to play on the Women's Water Polo Team with her teammates here and enjoys reading, baking, and coaching water polo outside of school!
Katie Madow

Conn Coll '25

Hi! I’m Katie Madow and I am a sophomore at Conn. I'm a psych major!
Lara graduated from Connecticut College in 2024 with a double major in environmental studies and economics and a minor in dance. Her interests include choreography, sustainability, the performing arts, and conservation.