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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

We are avid TikTok users here at Her Campus Conn Coll, and, like most Gen Z-ers, we are all caught up with the latest trends. Here are some of our favorites that we’ve seen come and go since downloading the app:

I am personally a fan of seeing everyone on the internet becoming obsessed with “quick and easy” food recipes, trying it, and putting their own twists on it. We all remember Whipped Coffee taking over TikTok during our first quarantine in 2020, people were trying pesto eggs and baking cloud bread at some point, and then there was a month where everyone was trying different ways to make a baked Feta pasta. 

This summer, there was an online debate over whether balsamic vinegar and soda water was an adequate and healthy replacement to real Coke (it absolutely is not). I continue to look forward to seeing more viral recipes and food debates on my FYP in the future!

  • Maria Sell ‘23 

Personally, I love really creative trends such as the recent “if I was a ___ [color, season, flower, etc],” especially ones that incorporate friends and family into them! I think it is so much fun to see how people interpret themselves and their friends, and honestly I just like seeing pretty pictures sometimes! Obviously, there are times when people take it too far, and I don’t understand people who exaggerate or lie in things like that, but I feel like a lot of times it’s not the trend itself that sours things, but the negativity people create around it! Personally, I think it’s creative, fun, and a nice distraction from the often bleak and scary aspects of the world, and I’ll never complain about seeing some pretty flowers and pictures of fall or spring on my For You Page!

  • Caroline Snyder, ‘26

TikTok has been a staple in my life since the spring of 2019, and I have seen many trends come and go. Although I am particularly in tune with viral dances (@jaedengomezz and @karaleighcannella are dominating and slaying the game right now), one trend that I sorely miss is the Adult Swim “[as]” trend. Modeled after the transitional videos to the Adult Swim nighttime cable television network (that shared airspace with Cartoon Network), TikTokers played with creative ways to portray sort-of nonsensical quotes which led to the hidden display of the characters “[as]” as the song “Running Away” by BADBADNOTGOOD, Samuel T. Herring, and VANO 3000 played in the background. The innovation and originality of these videos blew my mind every time they came up on my FYP, and I don’t think this trend should have been left in Summer 2021. 

  • Lara Beckius ‘24
Lara is a senior at Connecticut College, where she is pursuing a double major in environmental studies and economics with a minor in dance. Her interests include choreography, sustainability, the performing arts, and conservation.
Maria Sell

Conn Coll '23

Maria (she/her/hers) is a senior at Connecticut College studying American Studies and Sociology and is from the San Francisco Bay Area. She loves getting to play on the Women's Water Polo Team with her teammates here and enjoys reading, baking, and coaching water polo outside of school!