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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Cheese is, simply, one of the best food groups on the planet. Whether creamy, sharp, savory, or sweet, we are obsessed with all things cheese related here at Her Campus Conn. And don’t worry, we have a love for both dairy-filled and dairy-free cheeses. Here are some of our favorites:

I have a very niche answer to this question! Part of my family is from rural Nova Scotia, so I’ve been going up there my entire life—and about half an hour from my family’s house is a Gouda farm that makes the BEST Gouda cheese I have ever had! I am absolutely obsessed with their spreadable Gouda, and it is worth the massive stomach ache I get because I can’t have dairy (don’t try that at home)! If anyone is ever along the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, look for That Dutchman’s Cheese Farm—the cheese is amazing and it’s also just a really cool place. Side note: They have a nature walk with animals that you can pet, and an area where you can watch the cheese being made. I look forward to it every time I go up there! 

  • Caroline Snyder ‘26

I’m a big fan of Muenster cheese. If I was to compare cheeses using a Goldilocks-esque analogy, White Cheddar is a little too sharp and crumbly, and Brie is a little too sweet and soft. But Muenster balances both ends of the texture and taste spectrum; it’s just right. It’s also perfect in a grilled cheese sandwich, because it melts amazingly. And the rind! The rind is so fun. It feels like you’re eating a cheese that is far fancier than the average sliced deli fare, but it still doesn’t break the bank. 

  • Taylor Austin ‘24

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I am a huge fan of Goat Cheese. I prefer cheeses that can be paired with sweeter things (I love to mix mine with honey), but I find Brie to be a little too boring for me; the tanginess of Goat Cheese is what makes it yummier to me. It truly brightens up any charcuterie spread, and you can pair it with sweet or savory foods! One of my favorite ways to eat it is to mix it with some honey, spread it on toast, and top it with some prosciutto and red pepper flakes. Like most of us, I’m a girly with stomach problems, so it never hurts to add a Lactaid pill into the mix (if you know you know). I can’t pick just one cheese though, because it is a girl’s best friend (sorry, diamonds!)—if I had to pick a close second I think I’d go with a mild cheddar. It’s a grilled cheese staple, and it never lets me down! 

  • Bella Stewart ‘25

I’m approaching this topic as a self-proclaimed cheese expert (I did my high school capstone on cheese making), and I’ve noticed there’s been quite a bit of Brie hate so far in this article… so I think I need to step in with some defense. Brie is the perfect spreadable cheese, good on bread and crackers and pairing well with everyone’s favorite fruits—apples and grapes. It’s both creamy and savory, and I do enjoy throwing the rind in the mix, although I know some people would disagree. My mom and I are obsessed with the Supreme Brie Bites that you can find in pretty much any grocery store. They’re simply addicting. Besides Brie, I’m a huge fan of any cheese that incorporates mushrooms… especially truffle. 

  • Lara Beckius ‘24
Lara graduated from Connecticut College in 2024 with a double major in environmental studies and economics and a minor in dance. Her interests include choreography, sustainability, the performing arts, and conservation.
Caroline Snyder is a rising junior at Connecticut College who is double majoring in English and Environmental Studies! She is the president of Conn's Her Campus chapter, co-captain of the college's Equestrian Team, aids in education work in the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, and works in the college's archives, among other things. She loves writing, reading, her cat, dinosaurs, working out, and sustainability.
Taylor Austin

Conn Coll '24

Taylor is a senior Film Studies major and Chair of SAC (Student Activities Council) at Connecticut College. In addition to movies, she loves photography, video games, and football (Go Pats!).
Bella Stewart

Conn Coll '25

Junior at Connecticut College majoring in Sociology and American Studies, minoring in Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies. Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity Scholar. avid Letterboxd user with a Lorelai-Gilmore-level coffee problem