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Max Luing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.


One of our newest members to the Her Campus Conn Coll chapter, Abigail Kulewicz, shares with us this week’s Campus Cutie!

Can’t wait for spring sports to roll around? Are you a lacrosse fan? If so, then freshman, Max Luing, is the guy for you.  On and off the field Max is a pretty great guy, with a sense of humor, and a great sense of athleticism.  Interested? Then let’s see what he has to say…

Name: Max Luing 

Year: 2016

Hometown: Ridgewood, New Jersey 

Major: Undecided 


Three words that describe you: 

Charismatic, Clever and Funny.

What is your favorite quote? 

“Roll tide.”

What’s your favorite and least favorite food? 

My favorite is hamburgers and my least favorite is probably ketchup.

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? 

I would be super fast so I would dominate in sports.

We hear you’re a freshman on the men’s lacrosse team. How has preparing for your spring season been so far? 

It has been fun, we had some fall ball practices which were great and have been lifting and getting in shape all fall and winter.

When you’re getting ready for a game, what songs do you play on your iPod to get you pumped? 

I pretty much just listening to whatever is blasting in the locker room. 

Do you have a favorite pick-up line? If so, what is it?

I can’t say I do.

How about a celebrity crush?  

Selena Gomez.

So, who would be your dream date? 

Selena Gomez. Again.

What’s your most embarrassing moment since you have been at Conn? 

Probably sitting in on the wrong class..

Danielle is a sophomore at Connecticut College and is currently pursuing a double-major in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies. Danielle began writing for the Connecticut College branch of Her Campus in the fall of 2011 and will continue to write this year as Editor and Campus Correspondent. Danielle has traveled all over the world and continues her love for other cultures and languages through her studies. Besides traveling, she loves to sing and dance - especially as a member of Miss Connduct, an all-female A capella group at Connecticut College. In general, Danielle loves sushi, goats, traveling, and Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. She is thrilled to be working with Her Campus this year!