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Good Vibes Only : A Guide to Manifesting Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Have you ever predicted what song is going to play next, even though your playlist is shuffled? Have you ever won a raffle you just knew you were going to win? Have you ever said something you wanted out loud, and then seen an advertisement on a passing billboard or a sale on a website a few minutes later? It may seem like a crazy coincidence, but it’s more than that. You manifested it. 

Manifesting has grown in popularity the past couple of years, imbuing itself into the vocabulary of the Gen Z lifestyle. But, how exactly does manifesting work? How does the universe respond to your energy? 

To learn more, I sat down with manifesting expert Jessica Mand to discuss. 

By her definition, Jess says manifesting is a way of asking the universe for renewed energy to show up in your life in whatever form you define. It’s a way to set goals beyond your physical capabilities, extending accomplishments beyond your day to day routine. By focusing your energy on what you hope will happen, you are asking the universe for an outcome that will enhance your life. 

Manifesting, Jess explained to me, follows the cycles of the moon. The new moon signifies a time to set intentions for the next month, while the full moon marks a time of letting go to make room for new things. Everyone has a choice with how they direct their thoughts and energy, and this cycle maximizes the potential for the universe to reciprocate. 

If you are unfamiliar with manifesting things into your life, it can be a very tricky process. Luckily, Jess walked me through the steps of successful manifestation: 

  1. Start small and be super clear about what you want. Picture it, and use all of your senses to describe it. For larger thoughts, make sure to include all necessary details. Your manifestation can come faster than you expect, so be cautious with what you wish for. 
  2. Ask the universe at least once a day. Speak about what you desire, say it out loud, and bring it up in conversation. Direct your energy towards the topic. Keep a sticky note in visible places with your ‘ask’ on it, or set the intention in an object, like the health of the water in your water bottle. You can also keep a manifesting journal that tracks all of your thoughts and desires.
  3. Trust the process and clear all resistance. This can be the hardest step. Have faith and let it go. Open your mind to new ways of thinking. 
  4. Be aware of what the universe sends you, receive it with open arms, and acknowledge what you get. Show gratitude for what is sent your way and appreciate every moment. 
  5. Finally, be sure to keep your vibrations high. BE the things you want to attract. Good karma will stack the cards in your favor, keeping your energy positive and light. Send love and kindness into the world and the universe will send it back. 

After talking to Jess, I went through these steps and wrote on a sticky note “I will get in” with a drawing of a tree underneath, which I then stuck at eye level on my computer monitor. Six hours later, I was accepted into Conn’s Goodwin Niering Center for the Environment, three days earlier than I expected to hear. Sometimes, it can really be that easy. 

Remember not to overthink it! Open your mind and increase your awareness. You don’t want to miss it when it happens.

To help you get started, here are two manifesting activities directly from Jess: 


Playing Within the Field of Infinite Possibilities

It’s a little experiment—I’m going to ask you to give the universe exactly 48 hours to make its presence known, OK? This is your chance to ask the universe for a clear, unmistakable sign that you can’t write off as a coincidence. A sign from the universe showing that it’s listening.

It could be pennies in your path. Or butterflies. Or a particular type of bird. Or, you could request to see something totally random… like orange-colored cars.

Write it down, and put a due date on it… “Seeing a sign by the end of day on XXX DATE.”

Now you need to stay present and aware, looking for the sign… and something will show up in the next two days. Just believe in it.


Write down three things that you want to actually manifest in the next three weeks.

Maybe it’s an unexpected amount of money or a new mentor in your life. Or, a new job or work assignment that excites you. Or, a date with a magnetic new person. 

Three things you want to see, get or have happen. There are no limits here so feel free to ask for something big!

Remember the elements of manifesting, and be as detailed as possible.

Write it down in the present tense… as if it has already happened. 

Ex. “I AM X … I HAVE Y … I DO Z”

At the end, write, “Universe, I ask you for these gifts. This, or BETTER.”

For more manifesting information and tips, check out this recent podcast from Jessica Mand about the power of personal vibration. 

I am sending love and wishing you all of the things you desire. Stay positive, and happy manifesting!

Lara is a senior at Connecticut College, where she is pursuing a double major in environmental studies and economics with a minor in dance. Her interests include choreography, sustainability, the performing arts, and conservation.